My listing does not appear when I search for my town

Level 2
Boston, MA

My listing does not appear when I search for my town

Hi there,


My listing does not appear when I search for my town. Can you help with this please




4 Replies 4
Level 4
Las Vegas, NV

Hi Moe, 



Check in Your Listing > click Calendar and more > click Location. 

Make sure your address is entered correctly and on the map, the circle is in the area of your listing. 


When you search as a regular user, make sure you're searching dates that you're available, some amenities, etc. 

Most important is that your map is zoom not too close to your area because it sometimes doesn't show. 


Hopefully you'll be able to find it this time. 


Helena V.
Level 10
Athens, Greece

@Moe0 hello!


1) Make sure your listing is listed and not snoozed. You can see that if you go to "Calendar and more" and look at the bottom left of the page. 

2) Make sure that you search with dates that your listing is available and not booked. 

3) Search on the map to find your listing and not on the list of your city. It may not appear on the list because many other listings are newer or are boosted at the moment. That always depends on the dates you have selected. For some dates, your listing could be on the list, while for some others, not. 

4) Try to search with filters that you know you provide in your listing and see what happens (f.e.TV, elevator, washing machine, kids friendly etc.)


If any of these doesn't work, you can contact Airbnb by the ways that are described in this thread:





Level 10
Florence, Canada

Your town is pretty big, @Moe0, but I found your listing with no trouble. With no filters, I searched Cambridge, MA, United States, then moved the map over slightly to your general area (it landed, at first, a little north of you). Here is a screenshot. I think you have no worries!


Level 10
Prescott, AZ

same here, like @Lawrene0 , I found it real fast after I had checked  your general area via your profile/listing in Cambridge . It showed up on the first page, both for your entire home, as well as the room listing.

Screen shot 2016-11-01 at 6.33.01 PM.png