My story

Level 2
Mhamid, Morocco

My story

Aziz **** is a native nomade born in centre of sahara, in a popular settlement called (Elboutia), in 1991, of course his exact date of birth is unknown as most of his peers who were born in desert. the place he feels comfortable the most is under the sky of the wide sahara away from the lights and the noises of the city beneeth the starry sky. the first years of his life were spent in sahara conducting the innocencent nomadic lifestyle along with his parents.however one day he enforced to abandon his lifestyle to come with his parents to settle down in the village of M'hamid Alghizlan due to objective causes, where they try to earn a living nowdays.
After this eradical transformation of his way of living Aziz rejected completely the idea of loosing strings with sahara so he started exoloring and learning about the wonders of sahara,showing it and sharing it with the interested and curious visitors from here and abroad.nowdays he can broudly admit that the desert is no mystery to him,being able to deal with any situation in the wild sahara.He kept in touch with the milieu he the most love and appreciate and he didicated himself to share the experiences of desert with whoever ask for it and whoever adventurious enough to come and explore the nomadic culture and the true magic of Sahara.YOU ARE THE MOST WELCOMED.

3 Replies 3
Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hello @Aziz4,


Welcome to the Community Center.


It sounds like you have had a very interesting life so far. Thank you for sharing this here.


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Hello from desert heart

 Yes I'm Airbnb host in desert m'hamid elghizlane 

You want come explore desert?