No inquiries all of a sudden

Level 1

No inquiries all of a sudden

Hi all,

I'm reading here a lot and it's really helpfull.

My apt is on airbnb for around 6 months, we had a great start but for the past 2-3 weeks we are getting nearly zero inquiries.

I tried doing everything i can but it did not help.

We have great reviews and all the guests we had so far had a great time.

I'm really frustrated and wanted to know if someone can try to assist.

Thanks a lot.

Coral 🙂

5 Replies 5
Level 10
La Quinta, CA

@Coral5  You haven't been hosting long enough for you to know the seasonal ups and downs, one place to look, would be a local tourist agency.  Also, if you are in a low season, you might see if you could use the price tips on the calendar.  

Level 10
La Quinta, CA

@Coral5  Just looked at your lovely listing and noticed your home page rate is somewhat higher than the nightly rate on your calendar?  Is this intentional?  I had this problem about a month ago and after contacting Air BNB found out is was a system glitch.  Home page nightly rate should be your base rate.

Hi Linda,

Thanks for the feedback.

Yes the home rate is higher, i lowered it because of the low demand. 

Did i do it right? you have any other suggestions?
Thank you

Coral 🙂

Hi @Coral5  I am not as knowledgeable as you about your market, but I did a traveler's search to look at your home page price ($345 US) compared with your Air BNB competition.  I found that in a generally similar area, listings for entire apartments that could accommodate 5 guests, with Instant Booking turned on, your place was listed on the first page.  That is good.  However, your nightly rate was more than 30% higher than the average rate.  Then I narrowed the rate to between $300 and $400 US to look at the listings.  You might also do that to get a handle on your competition.  Your listing is quite superior to the averrage listing so your price might be justified.  However, if you want some more traffic during a slower season, you might consider lowering your rate.  At the very least you should correct your base rate.  To change the rate that shows up on the home page and is the rate seen by a traveler search, change the base rate to match your calendar rate as it is almost $50 higher.


Little tip.  More than 30 pictures is unnecessary.  Narrow your pictures and be sure to include exterior shots as well.  


You are on the right track but be certained to be informed about the bigger picture of your market.    

Level 5
Las Vegas, NV

We are experiancing the same here in Las Vegas, maybe it is the season.