Oldest reviews appearing first

Level 2
London, United Kingdom

Oldest reviews appearing first

Hi, I started listing a property on Airbnb at the beginning of July and I've had 3 reviews of my apartment so far, the first reviewer only gave me 4 out of 5 stars (a bit unfairly I think) and she also mentioned there were some small points for improvement although she doesn't mention what they are! My latest guest has left a 5 star rating, but unfortunately the oldest reviews are appearing first so that the first reviewer is at the top and my 5 star review appears at the bottom of the list, and doesn't appear on the mobile app unless you click to read further reviews.  I listed a property on Airbnb several months ago and I'm sure the reviews appeared newest first, has Airbnb changed this or is this an error with my property.  I really don't want the first review to appear at the top of my reviews ad infinitum! Thanks for any input on why this is happening and if anyone has the same problem.

2 Replies 2
Level 10
Amsterdam, Netherlands


Silly setting Airbnb implemented several months ago.

Nobody seems really happy about it. Here's a thread explaining all from a while back:


Review order...

Level 2
London, United Kingdom

Thanks Andrea! yes very silly of them, no-one wants to read out of date reviews! daft.  Thanks for the thread, hope they change this back soon.