Question about cleaning fee

Level 2
Palm Springs, CA

Question about cleaning fee

Will adding a cleaning fee affect the price of previously booked upcoming reservations?

I'd like to add a cleaning fee onto my properties listing. My question is: Will this fee be applied to reservations already in place? Or will it only work for reservations from here on out? 

5 Replies 5

Any modification are applied to future reservation.
A contract is a contract.
You cannot change the rules in the middle of the game.

Hey Captain Sassy, aka Nathalie Et Claude, I'm not trying to "change the rules in the middle of the game".  I'm simply asking a question, and your rude tone is less than helpful. But, thanks to the others for their direct, helpful and friendly answers. 

Ha, ha, ha @Anne
Very funny.

If you believe my tone is rude , you are definitly not prepared to do the job for a long time because you take things too personally.

Never takes things personally in this job.

Gosh! I agree with Nathalie Et Claude. I didn't read their response as rude or sassy, but simply as a cut-and-dried, friendly answer. I suggest you chill a bit and thank them for their time. They didn't HAVE to respond to you at all...

Also consider the language difference. What may have seemed abrupt to you (didn't to me, but I'm trying to figure out why you were so oddly rude) may have simply been over-simplification on their part in the interest of clarity.