Requirements for emtpy profiles or very little info

Level 1
London, United Kingdom

Requirements for emtpy profiles or very little info

I find out that I get requests from people that have no info or their profile is just empty. Is there a way that does not allow them to ask for reservation when they have no or very little info? Also some people have pictures of something else except themselves? My wife and I have been doing airbnb for almost 3 years, and I realize that Airbnb does not care about this issue because i hasn't changed and it is bit of waste of time aseking them all their info first.  

Is there a way you can create a filter and stop people that try to reach you unless they have a full on info and a proper profile pic? 

Sorry I just think that is such a waste of time, where things can get done quickly and I can booked them straight away, I managed must of my aribnb thru my phone and on the go, because one thing I don't have is time. 

If there is a filter can please some one tell me ? 

Thanks in advance


7 Replies 7
Level 10
Bergen, Norway

Go to "your listings" and find reservation requirements. Tick the approprate box for "verification required".

Top Contributor
Edmonton, Canada

Hi @Xavier6,


This should point you in the right direction.

Your Listings   Airbnb.png





Superhost Ambassador ~ Host Club Community Leader ~ Experienced Co-Host

Level 2
Saint Augustine, FL

Hi Xavier, even if you set your requirements properly, you will still get request from guest who have USA as their locations and phots of their cat.


We have a rule of not accepting unless they have a photo of themselves and good profiles to include the city and state/country they reside.  We have a nice standard reply that we use to request follow up info. We have had many new users of Airbnb that did not complete their profile until after requested by us.  And they have generally been great guests who were a bit older and not savy to Airbnb or profilses in general. And the nice guests were more than happy to comply- the others, well we probably would not have liked them as with one of our early guests (Sasha from USA with gorilla as his profile photo).  They were a definate learning experience, or generaly know as a BAD Guest! 

WHat if they have been through verification?


I am a bit afraid that my soon to be guest is a prostitute or is something weird.


No info in profile, I ask her for profile picture and she did, so i accept her. THen she erased the picture again...

SHe said she comes to visit family... but then she called (from a diferent phone number than the registered) to say that she will have guests and how late can she have them. It doesnt make sense, but i dont want to get bad reviews any suggestions?

Level 10
Argelès-sur-Mer, France

Hello @Kenneth17 that reminds me i once had a request from a relatively young and pretty girl who asked me before booking if she could receive people in the accomodation. 

 me - what kind of people ? 

 her - clients. 

 me - clients for what kind of business ?

 her - massage. 

 me - "flag / block"

I am currently dealing with this.  Could I please borrow your standard response that you send to guests with no profile? I need help in this area thanks,


It all depends on your situation, and what you are offering.


I am a single female. i am very cautious with prospective guests who offer very little information up front.


Of course I require verification, and a completed profile. But this is not an autonomous setting. I rent rooms and live here. Interaction, co-operation and communication are essential not only for harmony, but so that I can provide superior hospitality. These are basic graces from any guest.


The profile asks them to talk about why they picked my home, the purpose of the trip, their itinerary, and a full head shot. It takes about 2 minutes. Not everybody is articulate, but when I get a sense of co-operation and forthrightness, it goes a long way. After all, it's always nice to know who's in the upstairs bedroom. It takes what - 3 minutes? 


In the same breath, I believe that what you see is what you get. If I've asked twice for a newbie to provide a full profile, and they're still at the "these are my dates; this is where I'm working" stage, then they may as well be checking in to Novotel. It won't work here, because the environment is shared.


Many hosts are in a position to offer greater autonomy to their guests, and I always suggest that they try these as an alternative. After all, my offer is not for everybody.

