Reservation changes to a different person during their stay

Level 2
Peoria, AZ

Reservation changes to a different person during their stay

A guest made a reservation under "jane doe", halfway through their stay we get a message from "jane doe" that her ex was staying there and she never came and he is using her account and she did not want to be responsible for any issues he may cause. Then the next thing we find out is that he changed her account to him and it now looks like he made the reservation. That concerns me. What if he was underage and trashes the place? Or if I evict him and he requests money back? Or the primary disputes on her credit card this was not her and she gets her money back. I'm now out the month that should have been rented. And I have been deceived. Has anyone had this happen to them? 

3 Replies 3

I can only say that if, upon check in, Jane Doe presented me with an ID that was for someone else, Jane wouldn't be checking in.

Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Mary4244 I guess you never had the name of the person you were expecting to host so why worry now that you have another name?

Level 10
Alberta, Canada

"halfway through their stay we get a message from "jane doe" that her ex was staying there and she never came and he is using her account and she did not want to be responsible for any issues he may cause". 


This was the moment you needed to act @Mary4244 , rather than wait and worry about what may or may not happen.