Warning / query.
I recieved a enquiry regarding a booking. I responded with a preappoval and the prospective guest messaged she accepted but did not confirm through the website. At my request airbnb contacted her and explained she needed to confirm and pay. To shorten the story somewhat 3 people turned up at my door claiming to have paid airbnb and demanding accomodation. These people have no reservation showing on my listing. They had not been forwarded my complete address and contact details. They identified my property from the location map with the street name and the my photos. I live on a street with only 7 houses. So even though I don't show the road frontage of my property the photos I posted of the outside were enough.
Question 1:
Has anybody had a situation like this.
Question 2:
Has anybody arranged for a listing that only has an area showing on the locatiion map? There for when the generial public are searching they don't have a street name. I think this would increase the security and avoid the situation I mentioned above?
Question 3:
Any other ideas on how to avoid this situation.