Selling home - lose Superhost status?

Level 1
Washington, DC

Selling home - lose Superhost status?

Hi Community, I'm selling my condo and unfortunately have to cancel a future booking. However, I've purchased a new place and wish to keep my Superhost status and continue hosting. Is that possible or will cancelling automatically remove the status? Any suggestions?
5 Replies 5
Level 10
Daylesford, Australia

By cancelling a booking you will have lost the Superhost regardless.

Level 10
Tampa, FL

Hi Patrick, Are you able to reach out to Airbnb and tell them the situation to see what they can do to cancel it for you and also find another place for your guest. 


I did that with a guest who continuously sent me emails a week before they were coming telling me things they required from tea upon arrival at midnight to cooking all night and making a full breakfast in the morning. Airbnb graciously found them other arrangements and cancelled with no effect to me. Good luck

Level 1
Kirkwall, United Kingdom

Hi Sharon, how did you actually contact Airb&b as I am trying to contact them with regarding the selling of my home and changing all details to the new owners as they are continueing with hosting.



Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Hello @Karen230


If you do a search on this forum - contact numbers are shown numerous times. Do a quick search and you will find the UK number.

Level 1
Kirkwall, United Kingdom
