Hello, please to advise us about strategies Pricing Best reg...
Hello, please to advise us about strategies Pricing Best regardsSara
I have recently sold my holiday home to someone who has purchased as a going concern and will honour all future bookings through Airbnb, direct and through other booking agencies.
My question is, how can I best transfer my Airbnb account to the new owner? Can I change all my details to theirs? Can they create new account and listing and somehow transfer the reviews and bookings?
Any thoughts would be appreciated, I'm sure I can't be the first person to sold a property with bookings in place.
Hi Peter, i have tried to transfer listings in the past to other Airbnb accounts without success. Airbnb holds the property, its history and reviews to the account it was created in. For what i know the only option would be to hand your account over to the new buyer(Airbnb may not like this) or de-list it on your account and have the new owner create their own from scratch. If you did hand it over, make sure you change all your details/banking to theirs first before handing over. Hope this is some help.
@Amber-and-Ruben0 where do you go in the account to do this? Is there a transfer button somewhere? Interested to know more. Can you spell out the procedure?
Yes, please let us know how this is done. Thanks.
Did you find out if a transfer was possible as i am wanting to do the same but cannot see where to do it?
They just changed the user - they did not transfer the listing.
Hi Peter...
I have just sold my property too with no forward booking (I chose to block out all dates til next year}
I spoke directly with Air BnB and you have to withdraw the listing. The new owner must register themselves.
With respect to the bookings to ensure continuity perhaps Air BnB direct on the phone can advise you of how to transfer the bookings.
The people buying my place want to also do the BnB thing. I wish to retain the name of my property to use at my new home in the very near future. My style of Hosting ( I believe) is very different to what theirs will be and I clearly wish to retain my good reputation as Oma's Place in the town nearby.
My question now is HOW DO I REMOVE MY BOOKING....Looked everywhere on the site without success.
Can anybody help??
Hello Jan,
My partner Anne and I are going to place our Airbnb in the Portland metro area in Oregon up for sale. Do you know where to go to do that on this website by chance? Thank you to you or anyone else who can offer for any assistance in posting our B&B.
@Daniel1618 Your Airbnb is your business. You can't transfer a listing, so a buyer is not buying an Airbnb business, they are simply buying a home and can do with it what they like. You would just advertise it for sale through the normal channels one uses when selling a house, mentioning that it has been successfully run as an Airbnb for XX number of years.
This a comminuity forum where hosts and guests ask questions and share information. It's not a real estate listing site, there is no section for that.
Did you sell your house as an investment property? We just got Airbnb Plus and I am thinking of selling if there is extra value. I appreciate any help!
I understand that technically speaking Airbnb does not allow transfers of properties to new accounts but let's be real here.
For example, I have 20k in future reservations on the books currently for my entire home property listing. If I sold my home, all I would need to do is update the email address on my account to be the email for the new owner and update the bank account info so that the funds go to their account. This isn't rocket science and do you really think airbnb is going to notice or care? And if they do, would they rather me cancel 20k in bookings or allow the new user to run my account and keep the bookings?
So to recap:
1) Change the email address on your account and profile info/contact info to be the new owners.
2) Update banking info for money to be routed to new owners account.
3) Send a message out to each booked guest informing them that they may notice the name change on the account but not to be alarmed and to expect the same level of service as the previous owner (assuming previous owner was highly reviewed etc)
4. Be a great host and provide great experiences and the world keeps spinning.
What if I have 4 apartments and I want to sell just 1... Than I can't transfer the email address and the bank account..
I have a similar situation. I have two separate properties on my account and am selling one. The new owner wants to honor the future reservations, but I can't simply hand over my account to him. I'm also a Super Host and want to retain my badge. So, if he starts his own account is there a way to transfer the reservations to him? This must happen fairly often. Any suggestions?