Be aware if you are setting up and experience (even if it makes grammatical sense) there are words that trigger to software to reject it. Here's what I've discovered in attempting to set up 2 different experience. No human eyes see your experience until some or other software has okay'ed it. The minute you use any 'trigger words' (no idea what all they are) it gets rejected :"
Just a few fixes...
You’ve submitted an experience, but it doesn’t quite meet our standards. Review the feedback below and resubmit your experience.
‘About you’ needs changes
Of course you have already filled this in, so you're thinking....whaddya mean..... where did I mention I had a co-host? As you don't know about the triggering words, because there is no pop up when you type it immediately warning you to change now get to have the delight of calling the support center (something I know you just all LOVE to do). There is no button you can click to or way you can reply to the email to let them know; "I have no co-host ." Twice they've agreed that there was nothing wrong with what I wrote and that it was grammatically more correct to say it that way, and both agents recommended I could come back after the experience was approved and put it back in but if you don't know this... it's just a time waster. e.g in this last one I mentioned in explaining my skillset that I'd made a documentary called "We create...why we need handbuilt homes." The word 'WE' cannot be used, so it gets rejected.
Even after they helped me 'correct' this, it came back twice more asking for a co-host (another call to support).....until someone did something and it was finally submitted and then you'll get an email saying they'll get back to you in a few weeks. It didn't take a few weeks but next thing I got an email saying it's been declined because it doesn't meet airbnb standards. Now the fun really starts because I have no clue what standard it didn't meet (after all I did read all the links provided). Another loverly call to airbnb ....can I know which standard it didn't meet. Is it a safety issue? A location issue? Or something else i'm unaware of." I finally get told: " From what I am seeing on my end, the experience Plaster an earth cottage, we have too many of this kind of experience on our platform so it was declined." Well I scrolled through every single experience offered in New Mexico which was where I was offering it. They had a tour of earth ships, and a tour of a sustainable living center but nowhere could I find anyone offering a hands on plastering experience. So go figure! And one an experience has been declined, there's no simply opening it up to edit it.... you have to start right from the beginning again. Oh no!
And oh my.....I just hit submit on this and was told to correct the highlighted errors and try again... and the highlighted errors are: "Your post has been changed because invalid HTML was found in the message body. The invalid HTML has been removed. Please review the message and submit the message when you are satisfied." but there never was any html anywhere in my post. I suppose more of this artificial intelligence simply deciding I have html when I don't.