Stats disappeared

Level 3
Aspley, Australia

Stats disappeared

Hi all

Just wondering if anyone else is having the same issue with stats in their dashboard

I used to be able to see views, requests and the performance red line for a couple of months in front. Now I can only see it for the previous month.

I contacted airbnb by phone and was told this is due to an upgrade but wanted to ask if anyone else is having the same frustrations it was a really good tool to judge your views on.

I don't want it to be only retrospective.

22 Replies 22
Level 2
Edinburgh, United Kingdom


We're having the same issue. No stats for May at all and we have had 2 bookings so we know we have had views. We aren't able to see views by trip date either. It is really frustrating. 

Level 2
Wales, United Kingdom


Yes I have lost mine too and it was my go to place on the website as  I found it very useful. I hope it returns soon. The views one Is not very useful as its for time that has been and gone whereas the other is much more useful to be able to judge if your pricing is right etc.

In anticipation!


I'm having the same issue.  I don't understand why this went away.  It was very useful and now its gone.  I also seem to mysteriously have had zero views for the past few days.  It seems like they just stopped tracking the views???  Yesterday they came back but its still just the history of views and not the forward looking graph.

Level 3
Athens, Greece


same situation here. No by trip date stats! It seems that this is due to the smart pricing entrance. Suddenly, we can't know our views and consequently being able to control our pricing. 

Zero views for me on May neither?  it' s hot season in Greece and usually the listing is fully booked.

How come this?


Stats have been messed up for the past week.  I have had several bookings during this time, so even though stats show zero views for April 29-May 5 I know that is not true.


This happens when a software developer makes a code change in the database.  They are probably trying to make some improvement, but instead break a feature.  It will probably get "fixed" within the next week.  For some reason they never just roll back to the earlier code release that worked while they figure out the fix.  It would be even better if airbnb would test the releases and new features before unleasing them on us...Hopefully, stats will return even better than before.

Thank you Stephanie!
Your answer was a great relief. As I am a software developer , I perfectly understand for what you are talking about!
In fact this explanation had crossed my mind, but one can never be sure...can be?


Level 1
Bloomington, IN

I suppose this has something to do with Smart Pricing.  I prefer to see what the demand looks like before I lower my prices.  I have a very nice space and a great location.  I adjust my prices according to my personal calendar and local demand.  Why must everything be managed by algorythm?  

Has anyone removed the Smart Pricing feature to see if the Stats view by trip date comes back? Honestly, I had more bookings coming in before I added that feature than I do now...can't help but wonder if it is as effective as monitoring views by trip date so I can see the trends and change accordingly.

Anyone else have input on that?


Hi there!

I have smart pricing off.

No stats by trip date! 



I was wondering about that, Good to know. Thank you Lila & George for checking that out.

Level 1
Auckland, New Zealand

Yeah I'm disappointed too this has diasppeared.

When this was introduced it was great, as it enabled me to get a feel for what was happening in the city. 


I suspect this is tied in with SmartPricing, and not wanting peole to know what the actual demand is. I woudn't trust AirBnB to bring it back. 


They may as well get rid of a chart of prior bookings because that actually doesnt tell you much you didn't already know. 

What is interesting is watching people search for future dates, and see how your listing is performing compared to others. 


Also, when trying to  plan a holiday or break away for myself its helpful to know what dates my potential guests are searching for so I can book around potential reservations. But, you know that's helpful to hosts, and AirBnB don't have a great reputation for taking our needs into account. 

I agree Ben. I'm trying to plan some personal trips right now, but I've been stalling because I don't want to miss peak times for our area...Hoping it comes back asap:-(

Level 3
Athens, Greece

Hi again! 
It is interesting to note that, when one host enters in the preview of his/her listing in order to check the "how many times it is saved in a wish list", this is counted as (+1 ) view of this listing.
This way, the stats of our listings are "altered" by our own "views".
The best solution to this would be if Airbnb would move (or better copy) this piece of info into the host's dashboard.
Another solution might be to exclude the host's IP from view-count. (not so easy though, as from mobile devices the IP is always changing)
If you find this interesting, as I do, perhaps we could get organised in order to ask Airbnb to do this.

Level 1
Barwon Heads, Australia

And let us thank AirBnB for keeping their customers in the loop. I think the means of doing this is called 'email'
