Do you allow guests to eat food in a private room? If so, do...
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Do you allow guests to eat food in a private room? If so, do you provide a table, or let them eat on the bed. New to Airbnb, ...
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We are excited to introduce Airbnb 180° - the new product you’ve been all waiting for! Guests can strap on a VR headset and immerse themselves in beautiful listings from all over the world. Compatible with all smartphone headsets, travelling the world has never been easier.
From the comfort of their armchair, users can scan their environment and watch their cowboy themed dream unfold, or immerse themselves in a sun-drenched villa (weather controls currently unavailable). More details to come.
Will you be adding Airbnb 180° to your listing?
Airbnb Team
Oh, just a minute. April Fool's Day, right? 180? Sigh.
Even better ... Being able to capture listing photos to view in 180 degrees or even 360 degrees!! That is the future!
I will be great to have some kind of video attached to our listing photos
Good April Fool's Day gag... right? 🙂
It would be amazing to be able to add videos to our listings though.
Yup....... because guests are complaining they don't want to read long listing descriptions or click to look at photos or bother with house rules. So now all they need to do is strap on a VR headseat - this is the extent of what they can be bothered to do.
It seems like all recent changes made by Airbnb are focued solely on ways to allow guests to be more and more lazy.
How about starting with allowing hosts to upload a simple 180° photo guest spaces?
How about allowing hosts to cratique the way a guest left a place with other guests seeing a video of how they left it. Wait... Isn't there a huge uproar with cameras in places.
This VR thing sounds great however may cause a title wave of a problem somehow.
K so ,,, how much is a VR headset anyway.
I know little about this technology and they look super expensive.
My listing will show great for this if anyone can affort to buy one of those VR headsets.
Ha! Some of you got it. The best way to experience Airbnb is in tried and tested reality. We hope we got a chuckle out of you with this April Fool’s prank.
Did you manage to fool anyone this April 1st?
@Airbnb Got the joke before I even clicked through - good one! And it did make me laugh. 🙂
I have not managed to fool anyone today, and as it's nearly midnight, I guess I'll have to wait until next year!
Thanks for this!
Nice, almost believed it, because it would make absolutely sense. Panoramic images are a great driver, especially for real estate or interior. So why not give an option to upload 360° photos for those who are able to? 🙂
The trouble is that you never know if the latest AIRBNB innovations are April fool's pranks or reality. The faceless guest was an April Fool's prank, right? 😏
To bad. Was actually hoping to add the. We have a Matterport camera and do 360 videos for businesses. Only makes sense to be on Airbnb. I would love to add this feature.
Thank you airbnb all my questions was answered