Sudden decline in new bookings

Level 1
Leuven, Belgium

Sudden decline in new bookings

Sorry if this question has been dealt with to death but I'm afraid I'm missing something here. We've been hosting our guestroom now for over 9 months and seen an increase in revenue almost every month. We have great reviews with occassionely somebody who gives us 3 or 4 stars. Last 3 months we were almost always fully booked (maybe just 1 or 2 days not). We are always in the top searches in our neighborhood. Since we became more popular I've been increasing our prices incrementally and also now with the upcoming months. I also lower the prices if a date is still not booked a few days in advance. Even this month we are almost fully booked and we have a lot of upcoming bookings for the coming months. 
So, what's the problem? Since the first days of this month, no new bookings were made. The two days that were left didn't get filled, no new bookings for the upcoming months... I checked the prices and we are still the cheapest ones in town. I checked the stats and we got a lot less views this month and the percentage for people that looked at our place and actually booked, is way down too. Normally we would get more bookings, now with the start of summer and all. 
Our last reviews were good but in the last 10 reviews I think, had 2 reviews with four stars... But that doesn't explain the sudden drop, does it?

So, please have a look: is there something that looks off that I missed? Because I have no idea why this is happening.

2 Replies 2
Level 2
Boynton Beach, FL


i am in US n am a host too.

i checked ur place, very nice, but i would complain bc u are booked almost all year, 

that is very rare to happen here.

put check in Flexible"

Remember there is a lot if competition everywhere


and last keep prices steady,    Airbnb likes that we keep a comminment in prices



I have found exactly trhe same thing in the last month. We had a slight retrieve last saturday when we had 3 bookings but nothing else. I have a friend nearby who has experienced the same thing and an acquaintance i Shrewsbury who had a HUGE lodge park with lodges and caravans also noticed the very same thing since beginning of April. Cant believe this is a coincidence. Interestestingly this seems to have happened with the new system that helps (hinders) hosts to take reservations. Has anybody else contacted Airbnb. I did three weeks ago but  ignored pretty much saying no issues.