The COVID-19 Parties of Chaos: HOSTS we NEED to UNITE

Level 2
Cleveland, OH

The COVID-19 Parties of Chaos: HOSTS we NEED to UNITE

Since my State’s stay-at-home order, the reservations in my Cleveland shared home is basically in the red, like many of yours. We all have our stories--successes and temporary biz demises. That’s just the life of an entrepreneur. We are entrepreneurs as Airbnb hosts. This is important to remember, during a pandemic. Our FUTURE success is how we weather this BLIGHT—individually and together.


True entrepreneurs do not cast blame nor do they expect another entity to bail them out. They keep going.  That being stated, I know we are all trying to find a daily recipe to $urvive.




We need to be more mindful, today. Thursday through Sunday, my mobile blows-up with “requests to book.” All of the guests just joined Airbnb:  no reviews, no government id, they are all local. I am open to newbie guests, but I do ask questions for why they would need lodging if they currently reside within my municipality. Additionally, it appears that they do not take the time to actually read that my home is “shared,” so I point out that I also reside in the home when I respond. (They all withdrawal their initial request. Yep, they are looking for a place to have a party.)


There have been a lot of unauthorized parties, via Airbnb, in my community.  This past week there have been three that I have read about. One such party was shooting AK-47s. I am worried that my city will ban short-term lodging in the future because of the chaos happening, right now. It is not safe.


I know it is tempting to accept a booking request, without the extra due-diligence. God knows, we all need any kind-of income—we can get.  And it sucks that we are in this position:  Open our homes to guests who are desperate the “party” under the disguise of false reasons, in order to make a little bit of dough. I understand.


But I am urging all of you, as fellow entrepreneurs, to help stop all of the chaos of parties. Please use stricter metrics when approving your guests. Please.



I actually really like the culture Airbnb and the vehicle it has created for me to live, make money and expand my knowledge with the people I have come to know--guests and other hosts, since 2016. I have created a subculture from it, actually.  I would like it to continue on with it--that culture and expanded subculture. And I am rather certain most of you have witnessed how brilliant your lives were with Airbnb, prior to COVID-19. So we need to ban together, as hosts, to make sure our income streams are protected within our local demographics—in the foreseeable future.  We are in fact entrepreneurs. Forward thinking, even in this **bleep**-storm of Corona V.



27 Replies 27
Level 10
La Quinta, CA

Well stated, @Heather624 .

Level 10
Chicago, IL

@Heather624 unfortunately those hosts who allow parties do not come to these or other similar groups. It is like when we have lectures about alcohol and teenagers, only those parents who do not allow drinking already show up. I have made multiple posts on my local FB group- to warn when someone is looking to book for a party, private security I have found that is inexpensive if they do slip through etc. Eventually they all ganged up on me saying that all I do is talk about parties and I no longer post there at all. 

@Inna22 I agree with you—regarding certain hosts, prior to COVID-19. However, we are in extremely murky water right now, which tends to cause desperation to stay afloat—amongst even the best-of-the-best.  So when a host is not used to paying for a home with no heads in da’ beds, it causes some of us to loosen our once, “Strict Guidelines.”  And that temptation for any booking, is high.   Furthermore, as surmised in the original post, the guests are not being upfront right now, stating they need "get a way" or a "romantic evening" as the disguise in order to book--locally. Stealth-like due diligence is required now--more-so than before.

What questions do you probe with to find out actually "why"?  I believe them sometimes and it causes so many issues.  I would rather deny all of them now.  I recently got a request for wanting a place to stay while her parents are moving??

@Yiwei3 I have some rules in my listing That would not bother a normal person for a second but would scare party people right away. I tell anyone looking for one night to make sure they have read through the listing. If they do book, I send a really obnoxious message that starts with “don’t take this personally as I send it to everyone” then lists all the evil things I will do to them if they have a party and ends with “have a great stay if this does not apply to you”. You can’t imagine how many cancel 

@Inna22 that sounds great!  What type of things would you do to them?  I could use some of that.  The things I have right now are $300 penalty and termination.  The only thing is I got hit with a 1 star review bc I ended a party.

@Yiwei3this is my message

Please do not take the following message personally as I send it to anyone who makes a one night reservation. No unregistered guests are allowed at the house. Your entire group, that means everyone who will be staying at the house, just visiting, stopping by- all of you- will need to be at the house at check in time with IDs to register. All IDs will be photographed. No minors under 18 allowed without a parent or guardian. There is a counter installed at the house that counts the number of people at the property. It will send me an alert the moment a single person over the registered headcount arrives. I utilize private security firm. If the counter shows more than the registered number of people or if I get a noise complaint from neighbors, security will be immediately dispatched. $200 dispatch fee will be charged from your security deposit. If they are not successful in removing you, police will be called immediately. I will file a report for trespassing and in addition police will issue a $2500 overcrowding ticket. This is not a party house. If that was your plan- I encourage you to cancel this reservation as I can assure you that it will not be a fun night. However if this message does not apply to you- please disregard and have a great time (we will still have to meet to take pictures of IDs)

okay that's great!  you meet them every time?

@Inna22  I just used the check IDs and $300 fee if neighbors complain to ward off some lady from Cleveland wanting to book for her boyfriend's birthday.  I'm so glad!!  She said I'm not having a party but just bringing 2 guests over for dinner and cake.

@Heather624 I live in Cincinnati, and I am getting the same requests.  They are looking for these places to stay since the prices are lower.  I also get request with fake reasons, and I don't know until I see all these people coming in on my Ring doorbell.

Do they respond to your questions?

@Yiwei3 I flat out ask: "Why do you need Airbnb accommodations in CLE if you already live in CLE?" If/when they reply, I add: "You will need to add your goverment issued id too, if you would like me to consider your request."

@Heather624 the govt ID will scare them away?  They always say getaway or for my birthday or in between moving, etc.  It's so weird.  The last one that got me was someone saying they are here for a funeral.

@Heather624 looks like the CLE crew is coming to Cincinnati.  I got a couple requests looking for a party I think.

Level 10
Albany, Australia

@Heather624 I agree with everything you've said, but I'm surprised you still have your calendar open. Like you said, who is travelling right now? And would you really want someone else to stay in your home at the moment?