The most stupid reason for a guest to unbook at last moment. Let's share real stories from practice

Level 10
Kyiv, Ukraine

The most stupid reason for a guest to unbook at last moment. Let's share real stories from practice

My neighbour had a 19 y.o. client once (during internet gamers rally in our city) 
who unbooked at last moment, when already entered the apartment and saw 
there was written on modem info-table
"FI-WI" instead of "WI-FI"
After that accident my neighbour was sitting on my kitchen with his eyes of a plate size:
- It's the first time in my 10 years rental practice...
- Well, - I say, - rental business is like a sexual act. Let's imagine you had no sex this time.
- I cleaned up everything.... I would better got screwed.
- You already got screwed. The client is getting younger. Standards are changing.
Did you have similar weird cases in your practice?
8 Replies 8
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


Offcourse the guest left, he needs Wi-Fi, not Fi-Wi. Also the listing should mention there is Fi-Wi available, underwise it is misleading ;>)

Best regards,


@Emiel1 ))))))))))

Level 10
Princeton, NJ

Cancelled reservation after she asked how many coffee cups we have. The answer is 12. 


They were going to be 4 people.


There is a dishwasher, detergent, sponge, dish brush..


Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


You were lucky, they were going to invite 20 additional friends  !

Level 10
Tasmania, Australia

@Olga464The young&old can't live without the Wifi, but it has to be more to the story?

Because this young guy could have asked if the place had access to Wifi?


Top Contributor
Mount Barker, Australia

@Olga464 @Susie111 @Julie143 @Emiel1


I thought this one was getting up there with the best. This all happened within the space of 40 minutes.

They booked to arrive by car within a couple of hours, suddenly realised they were 2,000 Kilometres away from me in another state and cancelled!!!


Note, I still got the opportunity to review them, even though they never got closer than 2,000Kms!!!

 Cancellation wrong state.png



@Robin4 No, Robin. The most stupid cancellation I will be facing tomorrow because of my own stupidity. Recently I got a latch on a bathroom door fixed. And the guy changed the position of outer side of the latch. So I used with the years if the line on that metal round thing is vertical - the door is closed, somebody's in the bathroom. And when horizontal - the bathroom is free. And now everything is opposite.

So, today I am having the guest - a guy. I come back home from work and wanna go to the toilet. But I see like the latch is closed. But the guy is in the room. I knock at the room and ask if he is having somebody with him? A girl maybe... He is saying no girl. And I say if there is a girl in the bathroom, I can offer full refund. Cause I do not serve two people. And what you think... I open the bathroom door. And bathroom is empty.
Gosh. I apologized hundred times.
He laughted at me as crazy.
So, Guys I am leaving for a weekend to my boyfriend now. As I had too much stress. Have to have fun now. Cheers. I bet I get 1 star review and finally loose my superhost status)))). Too much responsiility))))


You are funny😂

Enjoy your well deserved weekend and make sure to be back soon with us again 😉

You take care!