Tips for a Growing Host

Tips for a Growing Host

Hey hosts - my property in Atlanta is starting to pick up steam! I've recently completed my 50th booking and things are going really well. Do you guys have any tips to get me to the next level? I'd love to maybe one day be a super host. I've been listing on Airbnb for about two years.


Thanks guys 😎

24 Replies 24

Hey Jason - Outside of the specific requirements ( I don't think there are any silver bullets to becomming a SuperHost. They'll comb through all the accounts in your city every few months and see who meets the criteria. Obviously you'll need to treat every guest well and keep your place well maintained.


Good luck, sir!

Oh, I didn't know that webpage existed! Thanks so much. Are you sure that there's nothing else I can do to help my odds of becoming a Superhost? I know that those are the minimum requirements, but is there anything to go above and beyond?

@Jason855 it's automatically calculated every quarter. There is nothing more you can do to go "above and beyond" ... you can see your status against the requirements under Performance/Opportunities.

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Wow that wasn't spammy at all was it. Have reported your profile @Chris and @Jason855 


Great spot @Susan17 


Love your detective skills.

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

I think these guy spam forums by making false posts to promote their websites and products because they know it's against the rules of this community forum (and others) to spam the forum with advertising posts.

Top Contributor
Mount Barker, Australia


Hi Jason I am glad your hosting is 'picking up steam' for you.

It's hard to offer you much in the way of advice at the moment because you are pretty anonamous , you don't have a profile image and you don't have a property listing showing on your profile so we just don't have anything to advise's a bit like someone asking, 'How long is a piece of string'! 


But just a couple of things that  will help your hosting along.


1/....Remember, the less a guest expects the more they will be delighted with what they get.

Make your listing honest and genuine. Stay away from fancy camera shots that make the property look twice the size it really is. Present your property just the way it is shown in your pictures and always have that little treat up your sleeve the guest wasn't expecting, They love you for it!


2/.....Superhost status is not a company is an award given to you by guests for outstanding hosting. These days guests are taking more notice of a hosts past reviews and it doesn't hurt at times to buy a good review by going that extra yard for the guest. Good reviews are money in the bank, that's what keeps the guests coming.


If you would care to post a bit more information on yourself Jason we may be in a better position to offer more advice!....All the best.



Level 10
Wilmington, NC



Well perhaps be honest in your profile, that would be a start. You have no profile pic. You say you've been hosting for 2 years yet your profile says you joined ABB in 2019. And there is no listing associated with your profile.


If you were a guest requesting to book, I'd be highly suspicious. Something doesn't add up...

Level 10
Somerville, MA

@Jason855  Since you have used a profile that doesn't link to your AirBNB listing, there is no way we can offer any constructive thoughts about why after 50 reviews and two years on AirBNB you haven't reached SuperHost status. Same is true for offering ideas on how you can "step it up." We don't know what you currently offer!

Level 10
Orono, ME

@Jason855, what is the reason you have not achieved Superhost status yet? Have you canceled a reservation in the last year? Do you not respond to all of your inquires? Are you not getting enough 5 star reviews from your guests? If you know why you haven't made Superhost (look at your Performance tab) you should have an idea of the areas where you need to improve.

Level 10
Dublin, Ireland

Lol! When you and your buddies are spamming the CC with plugs for your cleaning company @Jason855 - probably best to keep your story consistent! 🙂Screenshot_20190426-061604.png






Level 10
London, United Kingdom

Nothing gets past @Susan17 nicely done 🙂

Hi 5 for @Susan17

Top Contributor
Mount Barker, Australia


My God, you are a little terrier aren't you!! But where did you see anything sinister in Jason's statement, all he said was he did his own cleaning and might dabble with using a cleaning service down the track! My take on it was he was just responding to someone who gave him a cleaning link.

Could be wrong of course....I have been often enough in the past!

The total lack of any profile information is a worry though!




Let's just say I have a sixth sense when it comes to spammers, scammers and spanners Rob. And this one had BS stamped all over it 😉


In fairness though, Jason and the crew at hux/rented .com's sleeveen spam strategies are sorely lacking in comparison to Airbnb's own notorious growth-hacking escapades. In June 2011, on the day after raising $100 million in funding, and reaching a $1 billion valuation, Airbnb itself was shamefully exposed for "black-hatting", and subsequently banned from Craigslist (black-hatting - illegal, malicious or unethical hacking, used for personal gain, and a practice loathed in hacker culture). 


Indeed, Nate Blerchacyzk himself (Airbnb co-founder, then Chief Technology Officer, now Chief Strategy Officer)was once listed on Spamhaus's  Register of Known Spam Operators (ROKSO), a roll of hardcore spam gangs, and people who run committed hardline spam operations So in the great scheme of things, Jason's rather unsophisticated attempts at spamming were pretty inoffensive, really. 


Just in case anyone is interested...


What Airbnb did...


How they did it...