Weekend Pricing

Level 1
Kelowna, Canada

Weekend Pricing

Does anyone know how I can add Sunday nights to the weekend pricing option? I have it turned on for Friday and Saturday nights, but can't figure out how to add Sundays. With so many long weekends it is crucial. 


Thank you, 


3 Replies 3


You cannot, you need to do it manually. Mobile app woks best to do it since in the app u can select non consecutive days and then change the price for all sundays at once.



Level 1
San Francisco, CA

How do I ask that people to rent it for a weekend including the holiday e.g. Memorial Day should be rented for 3 days to include the holiday on Monday instead two nights
Level 3
California, United States

You need to set this up manually under availability settings, and add a requirement for each public holiday individually.