What to include in a review when guests leave used condoms under bed or cut nails in room?

Level 7
Killcare Heights, AU

What to include in a review when guests leave used condoms under bed or cut nails in room?

This is now the third time that we found a used condom under the bed in our guest room. Part of me takes it as a thumbs up as our guests obviously get very comfortable in our home which is great. But the surprise of a little present/used condom when cleaning is just ...... well, I leave it up to your imagination. This and cut nails on the carpet gives me headaches when writing reviews. Should I include it in very nice language or just like the nails sweep it under the carpet??

17 Replies 17
Level 10
Kendal, United Kingdom

Personal feedback:

"I found a used condom under the bed, would you like me to send it back to you as it wasn't in the bin."




Level 4
Maspalomas, Spain

It’s icky and gross, but as someone said above, it’s easily forgotten in the moment. I wouldn’t mention it at all in the review and I wouldn’t remove stars. If there was multiple condoms all

over, that would be different, but one under the bed isn’t a big deal imo. 

Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Thomas-and-Damian0  I've had to clean up some fairly disgusting things that were rubber glove time. It's part and parcel of hosting, although I do agree it's inconsiderate. It probably got thrown there and they fell asleep right after, and they forgot to pick it up in the morning. Nail clippings? Come on, you're going to have to vacuum regardless.Unless they left the place a total pigsty, I'd not mention in review at all. Less than 5*s for cleanliness, and if you feel you must, send private feedback saying it would have been nice if they had remembered to pick up the used condom. But personally, I wouldn't bother. These are human beings, not plastic mannequins- many are going to leave less than savory detritus.