Where is phone or email contact on airbnb website...spent hour looking for it under contact us, help

Level 2
New York, NY

Where is phone or email contact on airbnb website...spent hour looking for it under contact us, help

why all the mystery?  want to know about hosting experiences - template asks pick a city - finite number...well my host home is in a town of 7 people and not on the list.  Is this new option limited to cities in the tab?  DG

1 Reply 1
Level 10
Zagreb, Croatia


how to find Airbnb contact is the question you could have find very easy if you searched through posts here on CC... bc every day someone asks the same question 🙂 You could also just google it... as I did the first day I joined Airbnb and found it in a second. But, just for you, here is THE LINK again... https://community.airbnb.com/t5/Community-Help/Contact-Airbnb-A-Community-Help-Guide/m-p/16165/highl...


Experiences are limited to few cities only... for now