Which was the last assessment date for superhost category?

Level 1
Havana, Cuba

Which was the last assessment date for superhost category?

Hello colleagues,

Which was the last assessment date for superhost category?I have all the requirements and I have not been notified about it.

Looking forward to your comments,

Kind regards,


4 Replies 4
Level 10
La Quinta, CA

@Anabel7  Might be helpful to read the various articles in the Help Center about the Super Host designation.  The assessment is quarterly and the last one ended Dec 31st.  I see many hosts post that they think they qualify for Super Host and do not get it.  Good Luck!

Level 10
Limerick, Ireland

Hello @Anabel7,


The last assessment date was the 01/01/2017 and they said that the process could take up to the 14th.


You should have received a notification one way or the other by now.


Contact infomation for Airbnb can be found in the "Contact Airbnb" article in the "Community Help Guide" post.

You'll see that post as the first item when you select "Get support" on the main page of this help forum.




Hi Rob, Steve and Linda,

Thank you very much for your comments.

You are very helpful. I am proud for being in this nice community.

Kindest regards,


Top Contributor
Mount Barker, Australia


Hi Anabel, You are doing everything right Anabel, Your guests love you, your listing is great....You Anabel are what ABB is all about, you are a host, and you will go far.

It's the criteria of Superhost status that has stopped you from achieving it this time. One of the criteria is that you must host a minimum of 10 hostings in the previous twelve months! Until the assesment period to the 31st December you had 8 hostings (the last two are in January this year) so you are therefore not elligible for that badge just yet! Now, come the next assesment in April you certainly will qualify...provided you don't do something silly like cancel a guests confimed reservation.

Good luck Anabel, be patient just a bit longer and keep doing what you obviously do so well!

I do particularly like the way you respond to every guests review. I always do the same, and I feel it further strengthens the bond between host and guest....good on you!
