Why is the last review I received not the first one listed?

Level 2
Philadelphia, PA

Why is the last review I received not the first one listed?

Instead, the second-to-last review I got, where he called my heater "weird" and "quite old" remains the first one you see.

4 Replies 4
Level 10
Austin, TX

@Cathy233 country of origin?

Reviews are sorted by country and/or language

would this apply?

Ugh. Yes, thank you @Kelly149 Last (and nicer review) is from Thailand. Weird review from Colorado. So I have to get a review from an American to top the weird one?

@Cathy233 any Thai looking at your listing will see that review first. Americans will see the other.

And yes, they will continue to be lumped that way for the future

Ahh, got it. Thanks Kelly!