blocked out my days because I cancelled reservation.

blocked out my days because I cancelled reservation.

I’m new to Airbnb. I created my profile, went through and finally published it. However I didn’t notice that they suggested a specific price/ super low like 75 bucks or so. I’m in atlanta and it’s super bowl weekend specifically. I think my total was 200 bucks for 3 nights!!! So I had to cancel and adjust the price. Obviously I’m not going to rent a brand new place for 3 nights for 200 dollars. Now they have blocked out my days all together. Not sure how I can fix this, any suggestions? 

3 Replies 3
Level 2
Pittsburgh, PA

I would suggest contact the support team. You can find the contat us page at:

Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Maricela19  You can't fix it. That's Airbnb's punishment to hosts for cancelling a reservation. Now you won't be able to book that period at all. And the first review on your lisitng will be "Host cancelled this reservation xx days before check-in", which looks bad to potential guests, because, of course, no one wants to get cancelled on.  It's really so important to have all your pricing in place before you go live with your listing. And pretty rude to guests to cancel them because of the host's error.

What you could try is to call Airbnb, tell them you're a new host and didn't understand how any of this worked and maybe they'll give you a pass this time and open the calendar.

Level 10
Daylesford, Australia

@Maricela19, I made a mistake and accepted a booking for dates that were already booked  (was listed in more than one place) in my first few months with Airbnb, discovered my mistake minutes after making the booking and so I rang them. Absolutely no leeway whatsoever, you cancel as a host, you will suffer. And rightly so, it needs to hurt because this is one of the biggest issues Airbnb has with guests not being able to trust that their booking will exist until they arrive, willl they be scalped by the host (yes, in this case) etc. I will be surprised if they listen. The most important thing you can do now is familiarise yourself with all you need to know in order to flourish as host.