climate change

Level 2
Bristol, United Kingdom

climate change

I am thinking that Air B and B should take it on board that many guests arrive by plane..this is not acceptable in the long term given that the planet is on the verge of being destroyed. I was therefore thinking that any future guests booking my property and travelling solely by train with a valid train ticket from abroad will be able to get a 40% discount on my bookings.People arriving by train in the UK would get a 20% booking with a valid ticket.. Start the trend and let's all do our bit!!!

42 Replies 42
Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Anthea29  Your heart's certainly in the right place, and up to you if you want to do this, but there isn't any way that people can arrive by train to many listings in many parts of the world.

@Anthea29 it's a lovely idea but not particularly practical for those of us who live in large countries & don't have great public transport.


As an example if I want to visit my parents who live 2000km away I would have to take 3 trains and 2 buses and it would take me 2 days to get to them. Or it's a 2 hour flight. I know which one is more practical and cheaper for me and it is travelling by plane. And that's just within Australia. If I want to visit family & friends in Europe or the US (or anywhere else in the world) then flying is the only option to get there.

Level 10
Los Angeles, CA

We are coming out of the Little Ice Age. It's called weather. There's nothing we can do about it. Ignore the hysterical end-of-times propaganda.

Level 10
New York, NY

@Anthea29 Oh for the days when trains went everywhere in the US.  The closest train station to my Airbnbs is a four and a half hour drive away.

Level 10
Albany, Australia

@Anthea29, good for you! We all need to do our bit, and if this is a way you can contribute, go for it. This particular strategy won't be practical for everyone, but there are many ways we can make a difference (my 3.5kw solar panels are being installed next week!!!), which is happening in spite of our leaders doing nothing. 

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**Explain how the medieval warm period and little ice age took place. Explain why that mile sheet of ice that once covered NYC 18,000 years ago melted? Explain how the latest study out of Finland has determined that humans are responsible for no more than 0.01% of warming? Oh that little study that the media outlets that you get your news from NEVER mentioned!  Explain the Vostok ice core data that shows wild temperature swings going way back 400,000 years ago. Was it those cave men and their SUV's? Explain why there is no consensus among scientists? Yeah, watch Joseph Bast's lecture on YouTube as he debunks the fake studies that** you.

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@Pete69  I suggest you voice these views on some right wing climate change denier forum where they'll be appreciated. It's offensive to those of us who'd like to think our children and grandchildren will actually have an inhabitable planet to live on. 

I also seem to remember you saying something about the giant islands of plastic in the ocean being something made up by Japanese 8 year olds.

When you have NO response to facts, just keep hammering away with ad hominem. Typical!


90% of plastic comes from Asia and Africa. Correct. And most of that is from fishing nets.


8 year olds? That would be a tool of the left to use children like Greta to make their points, instead of adult scientists.



The argument that the current warming is a continuation of the same trend that ended the Little Ice Age simply doesn't fit with current models or the sheer rate of warming that has occurred over the last 30 years. While it is undoubtedly true that there have been natural variations in the climate over time, you must understand the mechanisms behind them - there is always a catalyst of some sort, natural or otherwise. In this case, the catalyst is the exponential rise in CO2 caused by the burning of fossil fuels, which is causing an unprecedented rate of warming.


Consensus among scientists? No one in the scientific community denies that CO2 is a greenhouse gas, that the rise in CO2 is the result of the burning of fossil fuels, that if CO2 levels continue to rise warming will continue, that the current pronounced warming trend is outside of natural variability and that sea levels have risen in the last century. No one. These are simple facts. Scientists have come up with many well-developed and consistent models and predictions based on actual science. Those who oppose these models and predictions are in the tiny minority and are mostly not scientists.  If you can provide me with a model that convinces me that CO2 does not affect the global temperature, then maybe we can have a proper debate. 


The Finland study: I have looked this up, and luckily as a post-graduate scientist and researcher, I am able to read and evaluate studies.  This is a non-peer reviewed study that has only been published on a preprint website because a reputable journal is yet to pick it up. It is flawed on many levels and is based on bad science. The authors give no physical explanation for their  'evidence', their correlations are the wrong way around, they have not cited enough sources or provided enough data to support their claims, they are contradictory in their use of climate models (denouncing them on the one hand and then using them to support their argument on the other) and the paper only has six references, four of which are the author's own, two of which have not been published. If this was a paper from one of my university students, I would fail it.


Joseph Bast: oh, you mean that ultra conservative non-scientist who is funded by Exxon to be a climate change skeptic and who also challenges the science that smoking is not bad for you? Sorry, but I prefer to listen to scientists who don't have a conflict of interest.


Pete, skepticism in science is healthy. Scientists should always challenge their own thinking. However, climate change denial is not a healthy form of skepticism. It is simply ignoring the overwhelming evidence for man-made climate change. Using any old blog or op ed as 'proof' that climate change doesn't exist is really bad for you and the planet.


@Kath9  Very considered and articulate response, but you are wasting your breath because these deniers hold their misconceptions dear to their hearts for some unexplicable reason.

@Sarah977, yes I know. Pete's comments really just speak for themselves and there is no point arguing. Luckily for Pete and ** like him, the rest of us are doing our best to save the planet.

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Sure it fits. Look at Tim Ball's climate reconstruction. You're looking at Michael Mann's (and Al Gore's) fake climate reconstruction which just collapsed in Canadian court because he refused to produce his data.


CO2 causes warming IN AN ISOLATED environment. Earth is NOT an isolated environment. Earth has feedbacks like clouds that reduce temperature.


"The Finland study: I have looked this up". Yeah you looked it up on a partisan website run by climaphobics. The study only came out 2 months ago. That's why it hasn't been peer reviewed.


To claim that "the science is settled" is anti-science and simply not true. In the case of anthropogenic global warming there is in fact NO consensus among scientists. Watch Joseph Bast's presentation on YouTube ( Why scientists disagree about global warming ) as he debunks all of the fake "97% of all scientists agree" claims. Joseph also debunks that website (skeptical science) that you cite as your definitive fact source. Run by a partisan climaphobic. BTW one of those studies cited by NASA -- NOT peer reviewed!!! [cue dramatic music]  She's actually from your neck of the woods! Naomi Oreskes. How 'bout them apples!

Level 10
Albany, Australia


climate paper 2 (2).png


climate paper (2).png

@Pete69, here is the first page and the reference list for the Finnish study you have cited as I doubt you've actually read this study yourself. So, here's your opportunity to 'respond to the facts' as you've so rudely asked @Sarah977 to do.

Let me translate the study for you. Human activity can account for no more than a 0.01°C rise in global temperatures. The paper explains that the IPCC erred when they failed to account for the influences of low cloud cover and how it impacts global temperatures.


Rude? Likewise.