guest damages $600 cleaning quote thus far $4k+ damages will airbnb payout?

Level 3
Philadelphia, PA

guest damages $600 cleaning quote thus far $4k+ damages will airbnb payout?


Ive been reading horror stories regarding airbnb not honoring the host guarantee.


my guest was a long term booking.  she was at the listing 8 months. during that time we would periodically go into the listing and clean out bags of trash, pizza boxes, old food....hoarding type of situation.   it was a delicate balance because the guest would promise to clean and pay for any damages .  she called me one day and told me that she thinks it's time for her to move on as she can't take care of such a large space.   this was after she admitted breaking the bed frame and tearing the mattress    The agreement was she would clean it all up in return for a positive review.   well of course she left the place trashed.  

i  jumped thru a few airbnb hoops so far but i'm still in the beginning stages.   the guest called me panicking and asked for payment terms.    airbnb has escalated it to the safety team an started the damage claim.

im having difficulty finding a cleaning person to tackle this quote is $600     

i have time and date stamped photos of damages as well as a video of the listing before she checked in showing undamaged and clean rooms.


has anyone won and received a payout for damages ?   has anyone received a cleaning quote that is this high?


im just beside myself and stressed 

here are some pics 77BD54B3-7FDE-4291-81AD-FFB744D30176.jpeg5AC4D16B-BAFC-4FE6-A9BC-9E059928AC38.jpegCD74E9DD-47A7-4B14-AF3A-C5F48779A2C9.jpeg0C26821C-F944-4A5A-A341-799DF50D8FB2.jpegF73AD1D8-2694-4EDE-9406-C6F09C3B2ACF.jpegDE0D63AD-129F-4DDC-BBE5-5AC265143D1E.jpeg2436BFB9-62C3-42AB-99F2-CC12B9E68CC3.jpegD2F0B153-9063-464F-B4A3-79E4402A4096.jpegB06DC9C4-873E-449F-AAC6-EE8A1FB73DCB.jpeg71E36C05-DAF5-494D-8A3E-F1F84848DC41.jpegEDDFD387-44D0-4A84-B5BF-F1E2297B51DA.jpegF6778140-A5D3-4ED0-9D9B-76902615E7FF.jpeg24DEEDEB-5B31-4DA4-8834-00496B827FDC.jpeg31A8A38C-6E36-4B72-BDBB-360FEBEAAE81.jpeg71F290B8-5CD3-4F73-8D61-B4201F2CD7EE.jpeg57A66536-F97C-4F56-BF37-5F050EE30C7E.jpeg

6 Replies 6
Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Michelle627  Sorry about the revolting mess you were left with. But you allowed this to happen. The very first time you checked the place out to find what a pig she lived like, that was the time to contact Airbnb with photos and ask them to terminate her booking immediately. Letting this go on for 8 months is unbelievable.

But I do wish you luck with claim. I doubt this woman will cough up a penny, but hopefully Airbnb will make good on some of it.

And please leave an honest review so no other host ever gets stuck with her.

thank you for your opinion.  I did notify airbnb when we first saw the damages and the fact she was leaving trash in the listing . they thanked me for my patience which i have all in writing from them.   i didn't let anything go on for eight months but thanks for the non i said i have it all in writing from airbnb.  as a host i have been accused many times with false claims from guests and this guest is in a protected class.   it was a delicate situation.   also do you go into guests rooms on the daily?  i will be off the platform after this i find renting privately attracts better class of people.  thanks again wish i never posted in here 

@Michelle627  I didn't intend to blame the victim, sorry if you felt unsupported. It's just that there are posts on here all the time from hosts who get horror scenarios they might have avoided by dealing differently. You didn't mention in your OP that you had contacted Airbnb about her near the beginning of her stay.

And I'm quite familiar with the kind of people who live like this, from property managing a couple places (long term, not airbnb) and I know that when these people assure you they will clean up and pay for damages, they will in fact not clean up- if they knew how to clean or cared about it, they wouldn't live like this in the first place. I could post photos of the pigsties they left behind that look just like yours. This was after assuring me over and over that they would of course leave it super clean. 

No, I don't go into my guest space when they are staying (a room/bathroom in my home), but I have a 2 week max stay and I've been lucky to get 90% clean and tidy guests.

I'm very glad to hear that she is willing to pay for clean-up and that Airbnb is being supportive to you.

Top Contributor
Mount Barker, Australia



My God, she was something of a pig wasn't she!!

There is a considerable difference between being unable to manage a space and just being a complete pig.

You have lodged a claim and have photo evidence and that is a good start! Make sure you keep up your contact, don't wait for CX to contact you. What happens here case managers work on a number of cases at the one time and those that get the attention are those who keep up a dialouge. And make sure you keep your cool! Don't start getting stuck into them, asking for help gets you far further than demanding a resolution.

Around 90% of these cases are resolved satisfactorilly and you will be compensated, but you do have to realise any compensation will be an adjudicated decision which will take into account things like wear and tear.


You must realise the company are in a difficult position here Michelle. A host will lodge a claim of $2500 for an outdoor setting a guest damaged the seats cover on with maybe a cigarette or a knife.

What the host didn't tell CX was that he bought the outdoor setting at the local op shop for $450!


They will need to see receipts  and estimates for repair/replacement and although you are claiming $4,000 in damages you may not see that amount in re-imbursement. Airbnb will be hard, but fair.


That cleaning fee does seem high but some of that damage appears to be long term neglect by the guest and I can understand a lot of hours are going to have to be spent there to get this property back up to scratch.

Bad luck Michelle, none of us in the hosting community like to see that and I hope coming here has made you feel just a bit always seem to help when you can share a problem....we are on your side!


I hope you get a just settlement and I wish you all the best Michelle.




thanks Rob I appreciate your support.  she indeed is a pig and maybe even on some form of drugs.  

I woke up today to a message from airbnb stating the guest would like to settle.  This is surprising as the guest messagesd me a few days ago looking for a payment plan.   I just wrote airbnb asking how they will obtain payment and guarantee I will be paid in full.  my thoughts are   A settlement may get me paid faster and have me jump thru less hoops .  I received a second cleaning quote that is a little less that the $600, but still expensive.   If they can guarantee me paid from this guest then that is probably the way I will go as there is no guarantee I will see any money from airbnb and will require photos , more photos and videos as well.  ...and more time taken up with this then I want to spend.   I have most of the documentation ready to go though.   we shall see what happens 

Level 10
Jersey City, NJ

Wow.  That is nasty.