how many nights can i still rent

how many nights can i still rent

how can i see how may nigts i still have left to rent? I am in Amsterdam and there is a max of 60 nights.



2 Replies 2
Level 10
La Quinta, CA

@Paul486   Are you asking how you can determine how many days you have already rented and therefore you can deduct that number from the 60 allowed?  I don't know of a setting that shows the number of days but you could figure it out by looking at past reservations and determining how many days each reservation.


That being said, I believe Air BNB has a contract with Amsterdam to not allow future reservations if the number of days exceeds the 60 day limit.  If so, you could Twitter Air BNB and ask the same question.  This host forum would not have access to the information you seek.

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hello @Paul486,


An easy way of knowing how many nights you have left to host, is by going to your Airbnb account, click 'Manage Account' and there you should see a progress tracking bar for your listing (or if you have more than one, there will be a bar for each one).


There is an FAQ in the Help Center which might be useful to you: Night Limits in Amsterdam .


I hope this helps.




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