Yeah this is the bar you are talking about. I think they must have run it out in this part of the world first, we have had it since late last year.....I think I first noticed it around October!

'All ratings' of course shows everything and the rest of them just shows which reviews gave you an overall in what star category. You have to remember these are overall ratings. I do still like the category breakdown where you can see what guest rated you in each of the 7 categories.
You are right Annette it is a good inclusion and it is good to see that hosts in your part of the world are now getting that. I have been posting this screen shot and others around the reviews for months and others are telling me they are not getting the same information so it's good that we are now all have the same page format.
Seems strange that they do it in dribs and drabs though. It's almost as though they test the waters with each update.