my street address doesn't show up for my guests

Level 2
South Portland, ME

my street address doesn't show up for my guests

Most of my guests send me messages like the one below.  Why is my street address so difficult for my guests to find?  Shouldn't they be able to access it once their reservation has been confirmed?


"Sounds great! Could you send us the street address of your house? It does not appear on the reservation. Thanks!"

3 Replies 3
Level 10
Memphis, TN

I literally get that all the time. One thing that helped me was making sure the location pin is properly placed. The address should honestly be on their res though. Surely.
Level 10
Boise, ID

It is visible to them. 


If they are trying to find it on their phone: they need to be sure to be in the "traveling" view of Airbnb (which would be by default if they are not hosts themselves).  Then they use the menu on the left side and go to "trips".  Click on your location.  It's right there, next to the word "Address".  if they click the word "directions" it goes to google maps.


From pc:  click on their picture, choose "my trips".  Click on the city of your location.  



That was helpful.  I adapted your instructions to the Newer updated app:


On mobile be logged in as guest.
Tap on the suitcase icon from the bottom of the screen (my trips).
Tap on my listing. (or whatever listing the address is needed for)
Scroll down to "Address"
Thank You.