@Nancy114. Well, if these hosts accept a reservation at the current price, they'll have to honor that price or cancel. If they cancel a confirmed reservation, Airbnb, as part of the host cancellation policy will block the dates so they can't rent to anyone at any price.
Best to set a realistic price now. You can also use some strategy here. Set a reasonable price for these dates (you can do this through your pricing settings on your calendar) and if no one books, you can increase the price as the dates get closer. This way if a guest books now you will have the peace of mind that your listing is booked, and if not, you can charge more for the late bookers.
Just know that once you accept a reservation, you can't ask the guest to pay more later.
It's hard, I know, but don't get hung up on what you could have charged. That's like trying figure out the stock market. Just set your price at what you think is fair....maybe you could get more or maybe not. Like I said, there's no telling how many Houston listings actually were booked at the high, inflated prices. Some made out like crazy, others not, I'm sure.
For your sake, I hope you reap the rewards of having the Super Bowl in your city. The rest of us hosts are jealous!!