Sorry @Emiel1, I hate to disagree with another contributor!
Hi Juliet, this link may help you to understand what happens with long term payouts, although this link is not technically correct!
When I was in support I came across this issue on a number of occasions!
Airbnb operates in days (being 24 hours), weeks (being 7 days) and months (being 28 days).
A 'month' is a mythical thing Juliet....some 'months' are 30 days, some are 31 and one is 28, or maybe 29 every now and then!
Your guest will be charged for the first 'month' as 28 days and if their stay is for a calendar month they will be charged for the additional days as a separate payment.
This CC 'Host Voice' post from back in 2016 will help you further understand Juliet....
Your guest payments will be released to you in 28 day blocks, not 30, or a 'month' and I wish Airbnb would get that article 285 correct because it does cause a lot of confusion!! Even in Airbnb's terms of service they only make an oblique reference to the definition of 'a month' in section 10.4
This really does noeed to be fixed, but Juliet, I hope this helps you!