
Winter Release Q&A with Airbnb’s Christy Schrader

Winter Release Q&A session

wet bed

Level 2
Vienna, Austria

wet bed

Hey is this a common problem?! Today my guests checked out, and I wanted to make the beds for my new guests, but unfortunately one of the beds was very wet, the mattress was wet, the eiderdown was wet, the pillow was wet, I’m sure that this was  sweat of one of my guests. I was lucky that I had only two guests for today, so I could let it dry. But what I should do in the future, when this happens and I need to make the bed for the next guests. Do you know this Problem? And i think that i need to wash the eiderdown now. Should  I have a word with my guests about this? I m afraid that they will give me a bad review.


12 Replies 12
Level 8
Philadelphia, PA

@Lia91 Oh my goodness Lia, I am disgusted for you! Please invest in a protective, waterproof and bug mite proof mattress cover ASAP! You need to it for issues like this and potential bed bugs that a future guests might bring. That's a headache you definitely want to avoid. I bought a mattress cover for my king size mattress and 2 double size mattresses, each for $25 at Costco. I'm sure you can look one up on amazon or near you. 


If you're sure it's sweat, I'm not sure what you can do since that seems to be a personal health problem. Perhaps another host can better advise you but I wouldn't bring it up. 

Totally agree with you @TracieandJason0... a waterproof mattress protector is a must for all beds.  I got caught in our first week of hosting with a child who wet one of the single beds and until that point hadnt even thought of using mattress protectors.  Now they are on all the beds.  I also have a spare doona cover that I keep vacuum-bagged for those moments so I can swap over and wash quickly if needed.  Its a hard one about whether to ask the guest about what it might be... chances are they either wont respond or will just say that they didnt notice anything and blame cleaners etc.... if you're sure it isnt urine etc perhaps just let it go and make some reference to it in your review so other hosts are aware? Its a tricky one!!

Level 10
Pensacola, FL

@Lia91 I have encountered this recently - I use 2 mattress protectors at one time as so many women seem to be bleeding and having sex and so fluids and blood are the outcome - and you must have mattress pad protectors. On one couple they tried to do something about it with dousing / soaking the bed with water. So that was a shock for sure. Of course, often stains will NOT come out if they have had enough time to dry so linens will be trashed or lots of time spent in trying to get stains out. It is the ugly part of hosting for me for certain. 

If you have guests immediately and the bed is wet you have a real problem for certain. I also spray with an antibacterial odo Ban stuff that helps also. 

Usually the guests might become defensive and it gets ugly - I have filed a claim a couple times when I had to throw away all the bedding and buy new everything. 

Not sure what a conversation with the guests will do?? What do  you think?? good luck, Clara

Level 2
Vienna, Austria

Thank you all for responding! I have one mattress cover, but this is not waterproof, you are absolutely right that I need a waterproof cover for my beds. But what should I do with wet comforters, do you have always two for one bed, because I have only one for winter, and one for summer. @Clara116 This sounds disgusting, and yes that’s the ugly part of hosting I Agree. 

@Lia91 Yes, I several bedspreads - and coverlets -  I'm in Florida so only need a comforter for several months of the year and I am fortunate I have several of all including pillow protectors, mattress protectors and those I wash every month unless something happens. I have duvet covers on the comforters which I wash after each guests but I am picky who gets them so I use them for the more adult couples or business people and that has worked wonderfully or for parents with their college kid. Everyone has been very respectful.

I did want to share something that I have used and it came from the Community Ctr right here last year - don't know who wrote it but I used it a couple times and it works wonderfully and the people sent monies because they were embarrassed about blood stains and this is so nicely written, people respond and are never defensive and have always offered to send monies when I used it. 


"Hi, thanks again for staying with us!  It looks like there are some stains on the sheets, and for everyone's health and safety, stained sheets need to be disposed of.  Luckily, Airbnb's security deposit system makes it easy to add the replacement cost to your booking after we provide documentation.  We've had this happen a few times, and guests are always gracious in handling it.  If you'll approve the security deposit charges when we submit them, we'll be all set. Thanks again, and all the best.    

(I would flip out if I slept on stained sheets in an Airbnb!!! I don't know about you)


You could of course alter it to say, the bedding was totally wet and the stains will not come out or such to fit the situation. Anyway, just as an idea.....cause I think most people are embarrassed by alittle spot or two - from a nosebleed or such. BUT when they have drugged/alcoholed and partied for 4 days/nights and it was obvious that all the fluids were locked in permanently and everything has to be put in the garbage!  these kind of folks never respond and so it becomes an issue with Resolution Center and you and working to receive some $$ for all the mess. 

I'd try the soft way first if you need to alert the people but I wouldn't write about it on a review - the others have described perfectly about extra cleaning, mess, etc. 

keep us posted with the outcome of what you do.  Peace, Clara

Yes - always have backup linens and comforters. I buy more sets when they are on sale. If money is at a premium shop estate sales or clearance sales for comforters then buy duvet covers for them if they're not pretty.

I had a guest stain a comforter and nothing I tried could get the stain out enough to display it again (it was faint but obvious red wine stain.  I repurposed it as an extra comforter by putting it in a duvet cover. At Ikea (if you have one nearby) the duvet covers are about $50.

But I'm finding good buys at thrift stores close to high income neighborhoods (like an entire set of Italian linen that retails for $1,000 - I got the duvet, six pillow cases and two sheets new in the package all for $14). My example is rare, but I have kept my eyes out for bargains.  And - lol! Those Italian linens were so fabulous I refused to put them in the Airbnb. I use them for my own family 🙂


Level 10
Quimper, France

@Lia91, sorry for you! I had that once, a bed so wet, the guest could have had an icebucket challenge in it. I had to put several folded sheets on the mattress whilst the mattress protector was washed and dried - you never know if the next one will not decide to have a beer in bed. Since then I have several mattress protectors and pillow protectors.  as these are not watertight, so it did help, but not 100 %. I have a few thin couch covers and plaids - that allowed me to wash the comforter and build the bed that day with several layers of thin covers. If you have the space and get new bedding, keep the old one nevertheless. It may come handy.


mention something in the review. I called it an unusual amount of cleaning (or washing). You should not mention health problems in public, but on the other side, as a host you would like to know if a guest will cost you more time in cleaning and detergent, than the whole stay is worth. In private, you can indicate details. I was so furious, I suggested an urgent health check. Which would have been a good idea anyway.

Level 2
Vienna, Austria

Thank you all 🙂 I didn’t know there were also covers for pillows and down comforters, I need this. I have only a normal bed linen. Many things you learn only with time. And @Clara116 thanks for sharing, this is wonderful, I will use it 🙂 

I decided not to talk to them about the wet bed, and mention something like Helga said in her post „unusual amount of washing“ this is Ok i think. Maybe in private I give some more details. One question: can my guests read this, or is this private and only for hosts. 

Thank you 🙂 

Level 10
Pensacola, FL

@Lia91 On the community center  - the Host Circle is private I understand - so on Hosting where we are exchanging is open and not private - not alot of guests come on here I think,  but if they were clever they certainly could. So you have to be discreet or else post on Host Circle. Best to  you, Clara

Unfortunately adult bed wetting is a common reality for a lot of people. are the best option for anyone liable to have an accident in bed but they are expensive. I always travel with my own but I would definately recomend having at least one on hand for needs be.

@Joel790  Are you serious? You think a host should spring for a pee pad for adult guests? You think a guest is going to say "Oh, by the way, I pee the bed". 

Did you just come here to spam for your product? Advertising isn't allowed on this forum.

Actually I have nothing to do with that product I am a user of that product because I find it very helpful for my own bed wetting condition. I have always had a problem called nocturnal enuresis that makes me urinating my sleep involuntary, It’s not a problem that can be fixed only managed With waterproof products and despite what you may be implying I am just as intitled to travel and enjoy a social life as any person without a disability. Bed wetting  is an embarrassing problem at any age and unfortunately there are lots of people like you that don’t  consider how other people might feel when they carry on about an accident that was not intended to happen. I  doubt the poor fella who wet himself was any more impressed than you. Aren’t you lucky to have a healthy functioning voiding faculty. Enjoy that; it may not be forever