when guests pick up

Level 5
Healesville, Australia

when guests pick up

I had a reservation for 2 guys who wanted their own rooms. No problem, I added an extra charge to compensate for having to make up and clean 2 rooms, which they accepted.

Fast forward to tonight and the two lads have been out on the town and picked up some female companions who they brought back to our house without checking with me first or adding additional guests to the reservation. Our house rules clearly state day time guests are fine but no overnight guests without registration, payment and prior approval so they are breaking our rules right there. Plus they are aware that I am really ill at the moment and have been asked to keep the noise level down but they are getting increasingly drunk and rowdier as the night goes on.

So...what to do? Just add an additional charge tomorrow morning and leave a review explaining what happened? Attempt to confront them about it now? Ask the girls to leave? Do nothing at all and remember what it was like to be young and carefree and not suffering from morning sickness that is so bad I was hospitalised just last night?

Any assistance is muchly appreciated
6 Replies 6
Level 5
London, United Kingdom

Hi Kerry,

I personally would ask the girls to leave because i am not comfortable with extra people in my flat. I wouldn't even ask for extra payment, they'll be out. And if the paying guests werent happy with that, they are free to cancel via Airbnb. And if they did keep up their noise while i was ill, and wouldn't stop after being told not to, I would be calling airbnb for advice. They may even ask them to leave if they r in breach of ur house rules!

You might be more tolerant and askfor extra payment for the girls, but then you would be opening yourself to similar behaviour for the rest of their stay.

I hope you get well soon 🙂

Hi @Kavina,

Thanks for that. My husband went out there a few times under the guise of checking the animals ( we live on a farm) and they must have started to feel uncomfortable as soon after, the girls left. Problem solved! I'm still not overly impressed but technically they didn't break any rules. Still, I'm sure he their pick up skills been better we would be having a different conversation.

I think you are right about asking them to leave should it happen again. Thank you!

Interesting twist to the tale.. our driveway is very steep and windy and tricky to navigate at the best of times. Turns out the girls did not make it up there in the dark last night and have left their car on an embankment. The guests claim to know nothing about it

What do people suggest I write in their review? Technically they did not break the rules as the girls did not stay but I'm still not impressed with the situation.

What about if I say something like " friendly and tidy guests best suited to private accommodation, not recommended for shared or family environments? "

Well, if the girls didnt stay, and the oaying guests haven't broken any house rules listed, then it wouldn't be fair to the guests to be left with a bad review.
I understand you might not be happy that they left their cars at the end of your driveway, but if they didnt stay on your property, I wouldnt penalise the paying guests. But i wouls ascertain that guests know they cant bring anyone home, car trouble or not!
Let's see what other hosts think!

Thanks for the feedback.

Technically, our rules say day time guests and they were brought back at 9pm so ( and yes I'm splitting hairs) th rule was not respected.

Had they asked about the girls, stayed quiet when requested and offered to help or follow up with the car I'd let I go. But they did none of that and the car especially caused a great deal of inconvenience for us

hope you figured out what you want to say after all:-)