Ho ricevuto la seguente richiesta di prenotazione, che faccio? “Greetings Daniele! I am Andrey. Soon I'm having a business trip to Germany and intended to book your apartment that you have listed on Airbnb. However, there is one sensitive issue I'd like to discuss personally. I have a plan to stay at my friend's home once I'm there and not to check into your apartment at all. Here's my proporsal. Book your apartment, never move in and just share the rental fee. Does it sound like a plan to you? If you like my plan as much as I do, please get back to me as soon as you can. Text me in whattsap. This is my numbra pluuzs sevvenn niinnee ssiiix oonnee nniinee tthhree sevven onnne sevven siiix oonnnee. Thank you for attention.