Have you been inspired to travel to a location from a movie/book?

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London, United Kingdom

Have you been inspired to travel to a location from a movie/book?


Hey there,


Some of the most enthralling stories we read or watch unfold on the screen are steeped in fantasy and lore. It gets even more exciting when we can recognise familiar places being brought to new life through the narrative. Like Tolkien's  Middle-Earth writings show fantastic similarities to our United Kingdom, however they’re brought to life in New Zealand! 


So, are you local to a film set or source of inspiration for popular works?







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10 Replies 10
Level 10
Auckland, New Zealand

hello @Stephanie 

I've hosted many guest over the years both in my capacity as a Home stay host & in more recent times as an ABB host who have traveled to New Zealand who were inspired by the Lord of the Rings movies.


They have stayed in my home as they have traveled around the countryside, sometimes doing weekend or day trips from Auckland to Matamata to see the set & taking in places like the Waitomo Caves along the way.


My most recent guest was cheeky & started to call me Ms Indiana Jones in comparing me with the movie mogul.


It's great guests are inspired to travel abroad to see living earth movie sets.


In my earlier days I did a couple of small roles in TV/ Film industry but mainly for commercials.


@Stephanie Have you ever been in any Film or TV programs?

Community Manager
Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

@Helen427  Incredible, I would love to visit Middle-Earth! 


Sadly not, I did try to pursue an acting career, even getting a diploma in Performing Arts but it wasn't meant to be! The draw of the video games industry and community engagement (and the being one woman in a sea of hundreds of women going for the same role) won out.






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@Stephanie @David3267 


Put your request in @Stephanie for the New Zealand leg of the next ABB traveling tour to meet Hosts & Guests.

We would love to see you folk here in New Zealand!


@David3267  have you been back to see if it's safer there now to visit?
I wonder if it's listed on ABB, perhaps you can look through listings for us & see if it is!Q


All the best

Level 10
Torquay, United Kingdom

Haven't looked and sadly not going back soon, thinking of NZ for Americas Cup in 2021 though!

Level 10
Torquay, United Kingdom

Tried to find the house used in Mrs Doubtfire on the corner of Steiner in real life some years ago and we were rescued by the local police and advised that it was not a safe area we were in!

Level 9
Elburg, Netherlands

Hi all!


Back in the late 1980's both the first Indiana Jones movie - Raiders of the Lost Ark if I remember well, with the end scene set in Petra - plus a BBC documentary series about the origen of the Bible (don't remember its proper name, presented by an archeologist) that showed all these wonderful places and ruines and castles  in Jordan and Syria and southern Turkey inspired me to travel  there to see it all for myself... it was a magical trip...

It makes me sad to realize that much of what I visited then has now been destroyed by war..

Level 10
London, United Kingdom

Years ago, after watching Di Caprio in The Beach, we decided we had to see Phi Phi Leh (where the film was shot) in Thailand. Despite being illustrated as a gorgeous, deserted hideaway, it was an absolute horror. Dozens, possibly hundreds of speedboats tied up (transporting thousands of tourists on to the small island), litter (plastics especially) everywhere, and noise. 

Illusion shattered, immediately. We didn't stay for dinner.

A more successful trip was to Pont Neuf of Les Amants du Pont-Neuf  in Paris. Tres romantique.

That's incredible, but movies have a way to glamorize everything. I know you must have been totally let down. On a positive note, however, so glad to hear that you did find a romantic spot in France to enjoy. I always enjoyed visiting the UK, especially London. 

Level 10
Northland, New Zealand

KiaOra @Stephanie  

Finally after day dreaming for many years 😉 

Next year we are off to Alaska

 Good movies for me 😉 

Snow dogs

The last winter

Big Miracle 

More than anything I want to follow our Bar Tailed Godwits that head off in April for their breeding grounds. But I would be more than happy to see a Moose or a bear 😉 

Not generally a fan of the cold and so already stockpiling the thermals 😉 

Its going to be very birds. Can’t wait 😉 


Level 2
Staunton, VA

HI, I'm Albanise. I recently started hosting on Airbnb. It has been an interesting experience, and I have met some very delightful and fascinating people. I would like to add that I have been inspired to travel to a destination I have seen in a movie. It was a while back (like in the early 80s) when the film "Summer Lovers" came out. It was shot in Santorini, Greece. The movie and scenery was so awe inspiring that I traveled there with a Greek guy that I met. He and I ended up falling in love. In fact I even wrote about the experience in my blog at https://freckle.blog. I had such a life changing experience that I ended up moving to Athens and Crete. Unfortunately, life never stays static, and we find ourselves moving on.