
Winter Release Q&A with Airbnb’s Christy Schrader

Winter Release Q&A session

1 star review (revenge review)

Level 7
Richmond, TX

1 star review (revenge review)

I had a guest recently that gave me 1 star review in all categories. the story is before they could check in, they wanted to change their booking from 2 nights to one night. I told them that they are literally checking-in couple of hours - i said it in a nice way (they could still make changes, but per my listing rules, they probably wont get their money anyway). As soon as they check-in, they said there's some trash all over my condo unit, and dirty. Which I am 100 % sure it wasn't, but I asked a photo anyway. The guest sent photos of my medicine cabinet and kitchen cabinet, he re-arranged it and he called the "leftover cooking oil, spices" trash which I intentionally leave for the next guest that might need it. and then he took photo of "him on top of my bed with his shoes on" saying my bed is dirty. he also took photo of my linen closet, which I dont know whats the problem there, i put extra comforter there. Anyway, after that, he also complained why there's only one bed, I told him that in the listing it was mentioned that we have one bed and one sofa bed. after all his spam, and i replying to all of it, he eventually stopped messaging and I send my normal check-out instruction message the night before his check-out date. Guest did not respond and did not tell me when he checked-out. after few hours, he left me 1 star review. it was 1 star in all categories. It did not matter what i said and tried to help him. I feel like airbnb is really unfair to the host, they do not check facts and try to help the host. I complained about the review, because I do not deserve that 1 star, ive been superhost since 2018. airbnb didnt care even if it was obvious the guest was being difficult and trying to get a free stay in my unit. The guest review was a revenge to hurt my business for not giving him refund/free stay from all his fake complains.


Also, the guest left my unit such a mess, they used my towels to wipe the floor. my towels have stains now.

The guest is new to airbnb (0 reviews), after this experience, I will be careful who to accept in my condo.

27 Replies 27
Level 10

Hi @Ryl0 

I'm so sorry you've had this awful experience. The guest sounds like an nasty entitled moron.

It's so easy to be wise in hindsight, isn't it, but as SOON  as this guest started all that nonsense complaining I would have said something like "it's clear my listing is not meeting your expectations, I don't want you to be disappointed. It's best that aribnb find you somewhere else to stay"

Yes you would have lost your money for his stay, you would have saved yourself a lot of grief.

the more your pander to this type of guest, the worse they become. They're bullies.

And he wouldn't have liked having to relocate to somewhere else. You would have been down on money but on high moral ground and also the master of the situation - it would have been you getting rid of him.  Still it\s very easy to dispense advise from teh comfort of my lounge - another thing entirely to live through an experience like this.

You're right, airbnb frequenlty do not have our backs - that's why we have to step up and get rid of troublemakers like this from our homes

Try to put him out of your mind  not easy I know  and look to the next great guest

Level 3
London, United Kingdom

Unfortunately no matter what you do you will always run the risk of having a problem guest that will play the system and kill your 5 star average and one single star review will need dozens of 5 star reviews to even get the average up. Then along comes another revenge review and back down you go.


Initially I was proud to be a super host, but after several revenge reviews I have found it made little difference to the bookings if the property is well priced and presented.


It is just a matter of time and numbers. Either the 1 star guest did not read the listing properly, did not check the photos, did not report any issues or just wants to get a refund and free trip.  Also in the UK and EU guests see 4 stars as something good, full marks is a rare thing in reviews, but the US system seems to think anything less than 5 stars is terrible.


Whatever you do you will never be able to prevent such guests but if the ratings really drop off a cliff from it I would probably delete the listing and create a new new one.


Airbnb need to make sure there is a proper recourse for both sides but they have had years to look at it and done nothing. 

Airbnb Failed Hosts, Guests, and Co-Hosts: A Cautionary Tale




I'm sharing my horrific experience with Airbnb to warn others. Despite my dedication to hosting, the company's neglect and disregard for safety, well-being, and fair treatment have left me traumatized.


_Electricity and fire hazards:_ Unaddressed power box issues and electricians refusing to touch it due to fire risks.


_Guest comfort and safety:_


- No hot water heater for 7 days over Christmas due to owner's cost concerns.

- Railings removed from 2nd-floor balcony.

- Downstairs floor ripped up from midnight to 6 a.m.

- City-issued stop work order ignored.


_Unregistered guests and unsafe conditions:_


- Underage guests (14-17 years old).

- Babies and unregistered guests.

- Blocked fire exits.

- Yard destruction.


_Owner's exploitation:_


- Denied fair payment (percentage of property).

- Played both sides, prioritizing profits.


_Airbnb's indifference:_


- Ignored repeated reports and concerns.

- Failed to support hosts and co-hosts.


_Rating:_ 1/5 stars (only because I can't give 0)

Level 2
Palm Beach, Australia

We had a very similar issue. 
Our Air conditioner unit broke down just before we were ready to advertise. So we got quotes but unfortunately none of the companies we tried could do it til the new year. There is ceiling fans in each bedroom but A/C only works for living areas. 
Our place is on the Gold Coast, and summers get warm if not use to it, but we are less then 100 metres to the beach for sea breezes. 
We had had 3 guests all giving us 5 stars but the 4th decided to give us a 2 star. We should count ourselves lucky after reading Ry10 review. 
Our spiteful guest had no reviews either and messaged us at 10pm saying the A/C doesn’t work. After messages back a forth and contacting Airbnb for advice, told us you didn’t advertise it with it and if they have a issue to contact them. Which we passed on to guest. We even offered what they would like us to do? You guessed it no response, and not answering us anymore to try and resolve. Just went quiet. 
Unfortunately this has been along climb back to get to a good rating and I know if I look at review sites I always look at negative not necessarily positives which I know our future guests are asking if we have A/C which we do and is advertised, but obviously they are reading spiteful guest review, which is a few reviews ago now. 
The spiteful guest left sand throughout apartment (floors, beds, washing machine even dryer had sand through it). They also spilt a sugary drink over lounge that went through and in between cushions and some dishes put away that still had food on them.  All this for us to find after they left. 
We agree Airbnb doesn’t have hosts backs. I suggested to Airbnb they should review these low rating reviews and to confirm the person is not being spiteful just to harm good hosts or guests reputations, after not getting their way. 
They did say it is something they are considering but doesn’t help us now or maybe never from the one spiteful guest rating and review that others are obviously reading. 
I have recently advertised with another site and getting bookings for higher prices. Both sites have negatives and positives, but think Airbnb need to really pay a lot my attention to reviews and spiteful people and penalise them for a better experience for all involved

Level 2
Munich, DE

No matter the circumstances, seeing that 1/5 stars pop up on your page can feel like a full-handed slap on a cold morning. Still, it’s important to handle the news as cool and as calmly as possible. Even if you feel like kicking, screaming, and sending hate mail, do these things instead:

1. Talk it Out. You should do this as soon as you notice problems. If you are busy or unable to help, explain the situation to your guests so that they don’t feel intentionally neglected. If a bad review eventually comes in, directly contact your guest and figure out exactly what went wrong, you’ll be surprised how often a bad experience can be the result of a simple misunderstanding.

2. Apologize (no matter what). Remember that, even though it may not feel like it, hosting is a business. And like any other business, you need to internalize the phrase, “the customer is always right”. Even if you think your guest’s review is unfair, apologize privately. Let them know you feel genuine remorse for their bad experience, and do everything you can to make amends. Do show understanding for their complaints, but don’t be afraid to also defend yourself as a host!

3. Write a response. If you feel like the review is bad enough, apologize publicly in a response to the review on your page. Explain exactly what went wrong, and assure other customers that this was absolutely an isolated incident.

4. Be Professional. Take the high road. Keep in mind the comments on your page are permanent. You may have criticisms to make of your guest’s behavior, but don’t let a verbal disagreement get out of hand in the heat of the moment. A hostile response will turn off other potential guests, and tarnish your reputation as a host forever.

5. Acknowledge Fault. Make something good out of a bad situation. Take your guest’s negative comments to heart, and use them to improve your listing for the future. Hey, if someone doesn’t like your drapes, they don’t like your drapes. Don’t take it personally, a little redecorating never hurt anybody.

6. Review your guest. If you receive a bad review that you feel lacks precedent or is particularly irrational, keep in mind that reviews on Airbnb are a two-way street. If you have complaints of your own, you can leave a review of your guest 24 hours after checkout from Edit Profile > Reviews > Reviews By You. Reviews are limited to a short 500 words and must abide by the review guidelines.

7. Avoid it! Prevention is always the best medicine. Good communication is the tried and tested way to avoid guest dissatisfaction. Guesty can help too! If you’re out of reach or unsure how to handle a guest’s problem, get in touch with us and we’ll take care of it. We reach out to guests during their stay and do everything we can to keep that review a 5/5.





  • the customer is always right


is a centence as used by César Ritz, the then owner of the famous Ritz Carlton Hotel. Ritz Hotels still exist, their nightly rates start at 400 USD. We are not in that business.



@Wu0. Guesty can help too! If you’re out of reach or unsure how to handle a guest’s problem, get in touch with us and we’ll take care of it. We reach out to guests during their stay and do everything we can to keep that review a 5/5.


Sure looks like self promotion vs. supporting other hosts.




@Wu0  No, sorry, the customer isn't always right. The kind of person the OP described is not only not right, they are a nasty person who shouldn't be booking Airbnbs. Nor should a host apologize for things when there is nothing wrong. It's one thing to express empathy, another to act like you are in the wrong when you are not.

And please, if someone doesn't like our drapes, we're supposed to replace them? 

Yes, it's important to maintain a professional attitude, but guests aren't some kind of minor gods who we have to bow down to.

And your plug for Guesty is in bad taste on this forum.

Level 3
New York, NY

My gosh! I felt the same way when I got a 1-star review from an awful couple. First off, they asked me for a special offer because they were in town for a family emergency. Me, being a nice person, brought down my rate tremendously just to help a family that seemed to need a little help financially. They were staying for 7 days. They were very noisy, very secretive, I saw them once and I work most of the time so I hardly ran into them. On their last day of the stay, they asked me if they could extend their stay one more night. I gladly told them I would give them the night for the same rate. So I sent them another special offer. When they checked out, which by the way I don't know what time they checked out, they never let me know, and they left my place a complete mess. It was an absolutely disgusting mess. Everything from feces and menstrual blood in the toilet bowl to their underwear Tangled in the sheets of the bed. The cushions of the sofa where all over the place and they had put my lamps in the closet. The dishes were filthy and there was a whole bunch of food in the sink. Not only that they put dirty dishes back in the cupboards. It was a huge mess. A few days later they tried to request a refund. In actuality, I should have requested a higher cleaning fee because I only charge them $40 for cleaning fee when clearly cleaning up after them was an easy $200. It took me six hours to clean up after them. When I refused the refund, he then got on my account with hus stupud one star rating and said that I had roaches and bugs all over the place, dog hair, which I don't even own a dog, and that my bed sheets smell like sweat. Which is obviously a lie. He lied and lied and lied on that review. All of my other reviews claim that my apartment is sparkling clean, because it is! I had to call an exterminator because they were there for eight nights and I was afraid that they had baited the place with food and other things just to attract insects. Airbnb did not have my back. I asked them to please remove that review because it was a lie, and that if they compared it to all of the others they would know that it was a lie. It ruined my hosting status as well. I'm sorry you had the same experience I had. But you are not alone. All in all,  Airbnb does not really support us.

Julie-Ann21:   This is a common scam that guests are doing to hosts. Beware. They make up lies in order to receive a refund after staying.  

@Julie-Ann21 Wow! That is a scary scenario. How many reviews did they have?

We've been thinking of declining people who have no reviews as they don't always get what Air Bnb is about.

We've never suffered such a horrendous guest but have had dealings with a few unpleasant and outright liars in my early days and felt abandoned by Air Bnb.  Needless to say, things improved when we raised our prices and don't do single or even 2 nights stay.


I am going thru something similar, a bad review after so many good ones. Well, I am just starting, but I pride on the cleanliness of my home and all it has to offer. I don't feel any support from AIBNB and I am checking out other platforms, because this is not the first time I have felt unsupported. I am upset because the review is not objective, I even provided a refund, without being asked, for the inconvenience with the AC. 


Level 2
Santa Monica, CA

Guests like this are just an unfortunate fact. In the long run it shouldn't affect you. You can be thankful that he revealed himself early which allowed you to leave an appropriate review. Oftentimes guests will be cordial but leave a negative review which you'll discover only after you've left a positive one.

"does not affect in long term"....I have just lost my superhost status because of the same situation, a revenge review and @Airbnb even saw a violation...but not enough violation to have it I dropped below 4.8 and voila....Superhost gone!