Hi, I am resilient, smart and proactive individual, I am loo...
Hi, I am resilient, smart and proactive individual, I am looking to co-host with hosts that are keen in increasing their prop...
Hi. My mother and I are both on Social Security and are being evicted and with our eviction, low income, horrible credit score and million mile long court tecords we have no other choice but to rent a room from Airbnb to live in. But I read that Airbnb does 2 authorization holds which I found out to be true cause I tried booking a room with my Cashapp and Paypal debit card and PayPal itself with another card that have 0 money in them as a test and for all 3 they came back as non sufficient funds twice for the same amount each. We do not get enough in Social Secuity to cover a double authorization charge. Please help. We have nowhere to go. We live in Las Vegas, BTW.
@Joseph2004 not sure ABB is the best place to find housing assistance. I would reach out to your county services and see what they can do for you. Best if luck to you
We are on list for housing. There are like 1,100 people ahead of us for the lowest amount of people and some others are 1,700 people ahead of us. So Airbnb is our only hope.
@Joseph2004 Airbnb is expensive relatively speaking Joseph. It is not a good idea to give anyone the ability to use your credit card without knowing what the charges will be. If you are able then you will need to ask the place where you are for an extension until you can find somewhere else more permanent. Ring homeless housing support in your area . They should be able to assist you as moving into an Airbnb as it is short term accommodation is highly impractical , aslso few people will accept your booking if they know you are looking for something long term. I am not sure about your rental rules where you live but in Australia it should have been notice given of sixty days . If you are only looking for a couple of rooms until you can get more organized then some people do rent rooms on fairly long term conditions. You will need to look through a lot of places online and be prepared to speak with the host. Some people rent RVs , that may also be an option for you ,but as I remarked , please ask for a little more time where you are as moving in a hurry may make your future just that much worse... good Luck . I am sure that you can do this All the best... H
Why would you try and book somewhere with a credit card/account that has no money/credit on it. @Joseph2004 ?
have you tried local youth hostels or approaching local homeless services in your location?
It was just a test cause I saw other people day they were charged twice. And I am 39. Not sure why Airbnb gave me 2004 in my name. I live in Las Vegas and homeless are is outside on 115 degree heat. Would rather be dead than do thar. A d I have my elderly mom with early/mid stage Alzheimer's. I think I found away around the 2 authorization charges. I just have to go to store and buy physical Airbnb gift cards and load the balance to my account.
Hi @Joseph2004 , the number in your username is automatically added when you first arrive on the Community Center. It's to make sure your username is unique in case there are others with the same name. 🙂
@Joseph2004 There is a site that does cater to longer stays with 30 day minimums up to 90 days with the option to extend. It is called Furnished Finder. They have rooms as well as stand alone accommodations and are for the most part reasonably priced. There are no listing site fees which in your case would be cost prohibitive.
That site can't help us cause first of all we are not nurses. Secondly they do credit and background checks. Me and my mom both have 10 million mile long court records and criminal histories. We both have very low credit scores. We were also thrown out of a government housing apartment and are banned from renting any government housing in the United States for life. We have very low income. And we are currently living in a motel apartment that us a place if last resort for people. We have absolutely nowhere to ho but to rent rooms on Airbnb. We will not be renting entire hones or apartments on Airbnb just a bedroom. And I have found them for $1,100-$1,300 for the month.
@Joseph2004that number means nothing.If mum has early alzheimers then you should be able to get onto a priority housing list for you both ,as I am assuming you are her carer. Your private misdemeanours are not anyone business as such , so keep them to yourself I suggest.It takes a lot to get kicked out of public housing so you really should have taken a little more care with that. If you gain accommodation then make sure it is within your budget i.e. not more than 33 per cent of your income ,and make sure that you have a direct debit coming from one of your accounts to pay the rent and the other person buys food and you share the gas and electricity bills . One each . Its important in your situation to provide security for each other . If you have substance abuse problems this will make stability more difficult. If you smoke then stop because that will immediately put more money in your pocket . I know life is tough but those pensions are worth while and should help people feel you have some form of stable income. Good Luck Ask for advice honestly from anyone who will be able to help and call back ...You can do this as your mum needs your help... H
@Joseph2004 I did try to answer this for you Joseph but it seems that you had doubled up on your post as well as your authorization charge. Although I do not think there is any authorization charge at all. I suggest you call the homeless service near you and ask for help to stay where you already are. Then if you wish to review possibly moving to a short term stay arrangement then you are probably best off looking for a room or rooms in a larger house with shared facilities that allows at least monthly stays . You will need to have the Airbnb app and access to a computer and be prepared to answer hosts questions. Airbnb are commmercial and profit driven , so bear that in mind , and you will probably not have secure housing in one at all. Even two social security pensions will not provide housing adequately in Los Angeles which I imagine is very expensive , but maybe some areas have RVS for rent and that may be a better option. Please look through all of the listings available to you and Good luck ... H