4-star overall reviews but 5-star in every category - when will this be fixed?

Level 10
Lincoln, Canada

4-star overall reviews but 5-star in every category - when will this be fixed?

This summer, I've gotten two reviews that have given me 5 stars in every category, but 4 stars overall. The most recent really annoyed me: it was from a new Airbnb member, who also put NA in their public review but wrote me a nice private review. I spent time on the phone with this guest before she arrived, talking her through how to fix her account because she didn't have her correct address or credit card number on file, and she called me for help, and I did. I sent her extra tutorials on how to set up her account properly.  I let her check in early. She had the same experience as many other guests do who give me 5 stars, and she gave me 4 - even though everything was apparently perfect, according to her words and individual ratings. I did respond publically, just saying thanks for the nice private review and that I was glad they had a nice time. 


It REALLY annoys me that Airbnb said they were going to do something about these outlier reviews a year ago in one of their host updates.


Why do they even bother making promises to us if there is no intention to follow through?


Just letting off steam, but I am really annoyed, both at Airbnb and this guest. 


What do you do when you get these reviews? Do you ask the guest where you went wrong, or just let it lie?


Top Answer

@Alexandra316  I just found the link about the changed made by Airbnb.




Below is quoted from that post.


One-off review alerts

We’ve added a step to the review process for guests when they give a host an inconsistent overall rating. For instance, the guest may have given 4-star or higher ratings for all the categories (cleanliness, accuracy, etc.), but then give an overall rating of less than 3 stars.


The new pop up screen asks guests: “Is this right?” And goes on to explain that they rated their overall stay lower than they rated it in specific categories. It gives guests an option to either change the rating or ignore the alert.

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63 Replies 63
Level 10
Mountain View, CA

@Alexandra316  I think that they did do something and posted here in the forum. There is a popup prompt to leave all five stars in each individual categories but give a 1 or 2 stars overall.


But it is far more than enough. Hosts have screamed about it. Many hosts suggested that overall category should be an average of individual categories like what the guest get. The guest has three individual categories with no overall.


@Mike1034In the update, they had said that if the overall rating didn't match the category star ratings, it would be disregarded. I guess that's gone out the window then, and only counts if there is a big mismatch? I haven't seen anything about that. 


Yes, there have definitely been numerous complaints from hosts. I think it's even more of a problem now that guests can see our average rating: these two guests have caused my rating to fall. Previously that would be invisible because it only showed 5 stars overall, but now, they can see our exact numbers. 



@Alexandra316  I just found the link about the changed made by Airbnb.




Below is quoted from that post.


One-off review alerts

We’ve added a step to the review process for guests when they give a host an inconsistent overall rating. For instance, the guest may have given 4-star or higher ratings for all the categories (cleanliness, accuracy, etc.), but then give an overall rating of less than 3 stars.


The new pop up screen asks guests: “Is this right?” And goes on to explain that they rated their overall stay lower than they rated it in specific categories. It gives guests an option to either change the rating or ignore the alert.

@Mike1034Thanks for that! It doesn't really mention regarding 4-star reviews, but that does at least somewhat explain it. 

@Alexandra316  The change just helps to avoid those accidentally press the wrong star for the overall if it falls below 3 while the other categories are all 4 or 5. Definitely your guest did not see this popup when 4 star was entered in overall. From the text, it is also possible for a guest to enter 3 star in overall while it is 5 in all individual categories.


I don't understand why Airbnb allows this. There are already 6 individual categories in a host rating. Are there anything else which are not covered related to hosting? Could somebody else shed the lights for me? May be the actual house looking? host looking? extra expectation about the listing provides? transportation? city? climate? ...

@Mike1034I don't get it either... what purpose does it serve? I really feel like the overall should be a combination of the other ratings, like it is for guests. 

@Alexandra316 @Mike1034  But that prompt only comes up if a guest rates 3*s or less. It should come up no matter what if the ratings don't match. And it does nothing to address those guests who couldn't care less if they tank your ratings, they are actually trying to.

The star system should be abolished, so fraught with issues as it is. Let them submit a written review- the host can always respond, making it clear that the guest failed to read the listing description, is lying, or was impossible to please.

Top Contributor
Mount Barker, Australia


Mike I had a post to admin about this, in fact, I have had a few, and through the Global Development Team which I am involved with at present, this is coming up for discussion.


I go through the review (as a guest) procedure quite frequently Mike, I will be doing the same again in the next two weeks as we travel interstate again, and I have not seen the  pop-up you are referring to regarding star ratings. But what I will do with my next review is go through all the star options as I come to them and (without proceeding to the next screen) see what pop-ups may appear, and I will screenshot all steps to post here.


Leaving a 5 in all categories but, a 4 overall is not a new phenomenon, I have been getting them since I started hosting in 2016. It is frustrating every time one appears though. In my 250 reviews only 17 have been 4 star, the rest have been 5 but, of those 17 fours 11 have been just like these......

Review another 4.png

My argument with Admin is, there is nothing I can learn from these reviews, the guest is not telling me what I can improve, do better, for future guests! And yet every time one of these comes along I get penalised. I go from a 4.93 to a 4.92 and it takes me another 10 5s to get me back up to a 4.93 when in actual fact I should be on a 4.97.


The current guest review layout and prompts are doing nothing to address this situation Mike and guests are being offered conflicting advice on how they should rate the host. If you look at my screenshot here, in the current review process, step one and step three are essentially the same question........

step 1/.....How was your stay at Rachel's place?

step 3/....How did your stay at Rachel's place compare to your expectations?

How many times do you want to labour the same point??


The guest may initially give a 5 because they thought it was good, met their requirements and they would return again. Then, they come to step 3 and now (to the same question) they are given prompts from Airbnb as to how they should see those stars (1 to 5) and Airbnb are telling them that if the stay met their expectation and was what they expected they should give it a middle of the road response......a 3 star. So as well as ticking the prompt they feel was correct the guest goes back to step 1 and does just what Airbnb suggest they should do, mark the stay a 3 or a 4 overall!!

Review Step 1-6.png

I know some of you here say, 'look's it's ok guests understand it and seem to work with it ok'!

But the number of inconsistent reviews we are getting tells a different story. 

This needs to be addressed because it is not helping the platform as a whole.


I keep on about this, I know I do, but I am really trying to get it addressed so that the whole review system can become a bit more honest and relaxed.

We all have better things to do than stress over what star rating each guest is going to give us simply to maintain our good records!


@Alexandra316  @Sarah977  @Alice595  @David4226 




@Robin4  You nailed it. 

Hi Rob....I too am concerned about the review process and the guest's ability to change our overall rating with a lower rating.  I have contacted Airbnb and asked that they replace the "location" category with  an "accuracy in description" . We have the ability to change/improve other categories (with relation to cleanliness, price etc)....but are powerless to change our location.   The guests choose our location!  I believe that an  "accuracy in listing" would incorporate a variety of items that would, in the long run, would be one of  the main things that people would look at when choosing an Airbnb.  If a host exaggerates proximity to attractions, intentionally omits pictures that would accurately show the condition of the space,  or somehow tries to deceive the guest about their Airbnb space, it would show in the "accuracy in description" category.  I have contacted Airbnb about my idea and, as of yet, have heard nothing in response.  Your thoughts???    Cheers.   Barry

Level 6
Bonaire, Caribbean Netherlands



We meet once again. I have adopted your approach with the "How the ratings really work" letter.


As hosts we are looking at this the wrong way. First, we are products, nothing more. Second the review system is a product rotation/replacement system. The longer you keep a product on the shelf, the lower the over score will get. When the score gets too low, no more Superhost and a new product shows up and the process starts again. 


Airbnb sees no value in maintaining a good relationship with the product, as it sees its business as same person stays in many locations, once. Airbnb know full well that repeat business most likely does not go through them.


At least I think that's what is going on. 

I met the same situation as a new host and came for help. I can not agree with you more on this. I hope the admin can really take our concerns into consideration. What an obvious error in the rating system!

Thanks Robin for your work on this.  I just had this exact thing happen for the first time.  4 stars overall and 5 starts in every category.  It makes no sense.  Clearly Airbnb does not value hosts enough to fix it.  I am a relatively new host, but this system seems terrible.  


Level 3
Scotland, United Kingdom

I am having the same issues, really nice positive feedback and then they give me a 4**** , If guests are giving a 4 they should justify it. I’m having to toughen up and start giving guests  lower star ratings for leaving my accommodation untidy and dirty dishes..arriving early and leaving late.. 

If guests feel they have a right to give a lower rating, then they need to communicate what the issue is, this could be easily sorted by just including a private justification beside the star rating.so that it can be fixed if indeed that is the case. I believe that most of the time they fail to read all the information about my accommodation. 

I am passionate about the accommodation I provide and will continue to ensure that my guests have a comfortable and pleasant stay.