A guest didn't pick up their dog poo, do I leave bad review?

Level 2
Fajardo, Puerto Rico

A guest didn't pick up their dog poo, do I leave bad review?

My guest did not pickup her dog’s poop and the condo administrator called me to let me know I will be fined $25.


Should I charge my guest the $25 and should I put it in her review?


Thanks in advance

Top Answer

Good deal @Maria16274, even the most annoying guest 'extra expenditures' oftentimes turns out to be a wise investment.

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9 Replies 9
Level 2
New York, NY

Hi Maria,


I love animals but I don't allow them and this might be very well be the reason. To answer your question; I'd get the fine in writing from the Condo administration. Then I'd send the guest a copy and "ask" him/her to pay for it. What puzzles me is how do they know that its your guest's dog?. Has it been captured on video?, Is it  the only dog In the Condo?. As far as a review is concerned? Don't make a big stink over it: especially if this was the only problem. If he/she refuses to pay the fine or respond in a cordial manner. I'd then express it in the review and I wouldn't worry about retaliatory feedback because you'll have everything in writing and could get it removed.


Take care!

Hi Kenneth, I ask myself the same question. I have not seen the picture, supposedly taken, of the poop? Or the owner ? I will ask to see it. I called my guest but she did not answer to get her side of the story . My husband says to let it go. I did not call again. I’ll pay the fine if I have to if I see some evidence. There are other dogs around her and I don’t see the owners either h poop bags to pick up.

Thank you.

Level 10
Placencia, Belize

What I would do is not mention it, but give some thought to not allowing pets in the future.


I could just picture this creepy 'poop-patrol' administrator stealthily on the lookout with his huge binoculars keeping his eyes on suspect 'Fido' who better not step out of line again because he now  has a rap sheet.

I know right! I did not mention it to her because there is two sides to the story and I did not hear hers. I’ll just pay the fine. She did leave the apartment super clean. And no signs of a dog being here.

I just gave her 4 stars in following house rules.


Good deal @Maria16274, even the most annoying guest 'extra expenditures' oftentimes turns out to be a wise investment.

I tend to react too quickly and my husband usually stops me from over reacting and once I cool down I come to my senses.

Also, that’s why I asked you guys for advise too. 

Level 10
Rawai, Thailand



Good thing here in Thailand it is illegal in condo/apartments, which suits me fine,

Although it does happen some guy got hell of a fine in Bangkok $3500 


A friend of mine has a indentical apartment to me but she prefers long term rent and the guest sneaked a cat in now the place stinks, at the moment she cannot rent it out,


Level 2
Hermanus, South Africa

Firstly, you need to have mentioned the regulation about dog poop in your house rules and on your listing, otherwise how would the guest know about it. Secondly, if there is no evidence, it's a tricky issue to pass on to the guest. I would let it go and learn from the experience. I do not allow pets at my place. It is so problematic to address the smells and stains from pets. I do like the idea of taking my dogs with me when I travel locally, but realise it is complicated depending on the venue and facilities. The reality is not everyone is able to manage their pets and the risks of damage to couches, carpets and bedding escalates when cats or dogs are included. Best wishes to you Maria, from Pat in Hermanus, South Africa.


Level 10
Swannanoa, NC

@Maria16274  Intelligent and conscientious pet owners pick up after their animals, no matter where they are.  No host should have to tell a guest to pick up their dog's poop.  We don't have to tell them to flush a toilet, do we? 


Let the guest know that you were fined for her dog poop and send her a Resolution Center request for reimbursement.  It doesn't matter if she pays it or not.  I would also put it in her review -- "An otherwise good guest who did not clean up after her pet."  


I allow pets.  My checkout instructions sent to the guest and posted on the kitchen wall state that the guest must pick up all pet debris in the yard.  It is not in my house rules on AirBnB.  Responsible pet owners KNOW to pick up after their pets.