So sorry that this has happened to you! I’ve heard of similar situations and it’s best to check in with guests one day after they arrive or after arrival (if you do one day stays) to ask if check in went fine, if they need anything to make them more comfortable, so you address any issues. I have heard that some people may take pictures from the web and submit them for evidence and airbnb may not have anyway to vet this.
I would contact support and ask to look into this as you are a superhost and had 5 stars for cleanliness and the guest didn’t reach out to you the first day or ask to move to a different location because of issues. It sounds fishy and like they figured a way to get a free stay at your expense. Airbnb needs a better way to prevent guests who play the system and falsely accuse hosts of issues just because they had a bad interaction or wanted a free stay.
@Bhumika, @Paula @Rebecca is there anything you could do to help out our superhost Ralph?