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When elegance meets comfort, your choice becomes Prakruthi Residency. We make your memories special. Come and experience the ...
I have a guest who is trying to add the names of other guests in her group to her already confirmed booking. But it is prompting her to change the reservation and I received a request to approve it or decline the request. This is the first time that's ever happened. Guests have added names of their group to join a confirmed reservation. Without any issues. Have anyone had this issue and what do you recommend?
Hi @Fagueye0
How many guests were indicated in the original booking? I'm asking because if the number of guests is increased after booking, that's a change that the host has to approve.
@ Shelley159
This must be new to Airbnb. It hasn't been an issue as I have had guests add names and invite additional guests to their reservations without having to change the booking. In this case, the system is changing the rate and the total payment whichbisnlower than the rate at the time of the reservation. How can they add guests without changing the payment?
@Fagueye0. Many of my recent bookings have "joined" their partners name to the booking. Its pretty straight forward unless you are trying to add more guests as @Shelley159 suggests. Your booker should contact support if its not working for them and you require it.
@Frances3408. Thank you for your response. It is not a requirement on my listing. So I instructed them to contact customer support for assistance. The issue is that when she tries to add the other guests, it sends me a request to approve/decline the change since the payment also changes (lower than the original payment). I think Airbnb should adjust it without changing the original payment. Thanks!
@Fagueye0. Adding more guests to a confirmed booking IS a change in booking terms. You said "I have had guests add names (no problem) and invite additional guests to their reservations without having to change the booking" (problem). This must have been done off platform in the past.
Is she also taking other names off otherwise it doesnt make sense that the price is dropping (unless you have smart pricing and its already done a comparison). You need to compare both pricings side by side and see the difference.
@Frances3408. I don't have smart pricing. The initial reservation (confirmed about 3 months ago) was for under her mame as one guest. It's only now that she is trying to add the rest of the guests in her group. But the rate on the listing has changed since. I will reach out to customer support myself. Thank you!
Hi @Fagueye0
If the guest booked for one person as you indicate and now wants to add additional guests to the booking then it is a change to the booking and the guest needs send you an amendment request which you will need to accept.
If you charge per person then the guest will be charged for the extra guests they add to the booking.
This is different to the guest adding names of guests to the booking for those already accounted for in the original booking.
@Helen3. I don't charge per person. But I will reach out to customer support. Thank you!