Advertisment and problems

Level 1
Stockholm, Sweden

Advertisment and problems



I just received an email from Airbnb that my advertisment risks being cancelled due to problems. We recently had guests who gave us three stars. They were very happy with everything, no problems at all occurred, so I think they are just unused to rating on Airbnb. We ususally get 5 or 4 stars.


This summer one guest complained about spots in one bed. We changed the matrass within one hour but she still did a complaint directly to Airbnb. She refused to stay in the house because of this spot. 


Because of these two things I received the message today from Airbnb my advertisment will be closed down. It think this is appalling. I have been an Airbnb host för almost 10 years with no problems at all. Why would you close my ad?


I would like you to take away the problem with the matrass from this summer. There is no problem, we immediately changed the matrass. We have a professional cleaning firm in our Airbnb house, the house is clean and there is no remaining problem at all.


I would also ask you to not cancel the advertisment. I would like to not have messages about cancellation unless there are true problems with our house.


The most recent guest (Ramona), actually rated our house all 4 and 5 stars, but somehow it was translated to 3 stars in total by Airbnb. I would like you to change the total rating to 4 stars since that is more representative.


Best regards



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