Airbnb Cancels Reservation on Host behalf without Host consent or approval

Airbnb Cancels Reservation on Host behalf without Host consent or approval

Well, this is beyond imagination...


A company founded and living by Hosts supposed to be "transparent and neutral" between guests and hosts, is taking illegal actions and are cancelling reservations on behalf of Hosts without host approval or consent, or worst doing so even if the host prohibits them in written to do so.


Are Guests so superior to Hosts? 


We are experiencing the worst situation in 4 years with airbnb. A "claim" from a guest who cancel the reservation 10min after checkin, and an airbnb case manager named Paul who contacts us 3 days after the guests cancelled the reservation, never asks us to provide documentation or our side of the story, makes the unprecedented move and changes the cancellation from the guests side to look like it was done from the Host side, without our approval. 


The reservation publicly states that it was cancelled by us (we never did it) and he without our approval charges us the reservation amount even if the cancellation was done from the guests and we have strict cancellation policy, and above that he puts on top of that a cancellation fee of $100 which it was automatically deducted from the next payout.  IS THIS STEALING IN PLAIN SIGHT?


And this, even if in their TOS they state that the cancellation fee is waived if you have least 10 consecutive bookings without cancelling. In 4 years we (the hosts) have cancelled 0 reservations. 


We are trying to dispute what we believe is a false claim from the guest side and want our voice to be heard, but we have only received a BIG WALL in front of us and are being continuously "forwarded to the relevant team" between airbnb reps which cannot handle this hot ball.


1- Guests never asked for a solution. 

2- Airbnb didn't contacted us the same day and give us the chance to give a solution. Isn't that proper procedure?

3- Airbnb case manager Paul, never asked for documentation even if we told him that video footage was avail on how the apartment was left for the guests

4- They charged us a cancellation fee even if their TOS says otherwise

5- They have become unresponsive beside my multiple enquirers 


If anyone from Airbnb is monitoring these threads and is descend enough to inform @Catherine-Powell  the ticket number is 2020010527603


If there was one thing we as Host believed in Airbnb was the promise that You would work to make airbnb safer for Hosts.  Well, i don't feel safe, I feel Airbnb is stealing with me and is illegally acting on my behalf without my consent. 

17 Replies 17

Thank you very much @A-t0 . The case manager just contacted me about the decision he made. I have tried to contact @Catherine-Powell via message. Hoping she will reach out soon. 


Level 1
United Kingdom

@A-t0 , keen to know how did this end up? and if you have any tips?


I had the same issue with a long stay guest. Airbnb rep cancelled on my behalf, and demand that I pay cancellation penalty of 850£. Although in the conversation (in person and through the app) with the guest, the guest didn't even mention any issues, request any refunds or compensations, and spent the night in my property. I woke up the next day to find a cancellation on my behalf, without even asking for response or documentation from my side. and When I asked the guest the next day he stated that he requested the cancelation. 


Regardless of the reasons, it is absolutely unacceptable to cancel on someone's behalf without his/her consent. Especially, when Airbnb clarifies a clear cancellation process, that is apparently just for marketing, but ambassadors follow their own policies and hearts. 


It feels like some guests, just need the receipts to expense the costs at work and know the drill of how to get away with the cancellation fees, through Airbnb ambassadors, regardless of the policy type the host requires.  

@A-t0and Ahmad170, this just happens to me exactly the way you described. I tried to tell them what they're doing is wrong and provide me with any rules that I have agreed that would allow that, and they just repeat the same words.


I am very disappointed with this behaviour as years long airbnb host. I am always nice to my guests to represent airbnb, and airbnb just simply ignore to inform/contact us if guest ask for cancellation, and worse airbnb even cancels on my behalf without me knowing anything.


I am trying to escalate this issue to see if anyone with common sense will be able to explain to me why it's a common practice to do this to hosts: cancelling on hosts behalf without consent.