Airbnb compensated me for a guest failing to pay the pet fee and damaging my property, but won't remove the review

Level 2
Sydney, Australia

Airbnb compensated me for a guest failing to pay the pet fee and damaging my property, but won't remove the review

Hi all, 


I appear to have joined many other hosts on here who have put in a claim, won the claim but than have had no luck removing a negative review from a guest that was in the wrong. 


This has upset me no end as it's tarnished my score. Sure I nicely replied highlighting that Airbnb sided with me and this goes completely against all my other wonderful guests, but it doesn't fix the first thing guests look at which is score. 


But the support team seemed to be a brick wall of empty apologises rather than actual action. 


Anything else I can do or it pretty more hopeless? Moving forward Ive made a firm rule for myself not to accept guests without a rating. 



4 Replies 4


Yes...sadly Airbnb has been back pedaling on their promise to remove a retaliatory review. Did this guest bring an undisclosed pet? What kind of reviews did this person have? Are you using instant book?


If you plan on confronting a guest about undisclosed pets or claims for damage, you may have to decide when you want to do that, as it most certainly will result in a negative, retaliatory review which it seems Airbnb is not allowing to be removed. Most hosts do not let on to the guest they are planning on filing a claim for damages. They quietly collect their evidence (photos/videos) and wait until just before the 14day review period closes to file their claim and write their honest review of the guest. If the guest writes a review before the 14-day window ends, then no need to wait, but I would wait to see if they write one before filing your claim and writing yours. 


You Accept 5 Pets?

Right now your listing says you accept up to (5) pets? I would correct that as soon as possible. Change the number of pets you allow under House Rules.




Pet Fee

I would raise your pet fee to help offset damage when this happens again, as it probably will. Start building a "pet damage fund".  It doesn't have to be a huge increase, but I would increase it.


Pets Rules

I would add some Pet Rules to Additional House Rules and at least state that no unregistered/undislcosed pets are permitted and pets must be added to the reservation when booking. Then add a fee for undisclosed pets; many Hosts use $150 per undisclosed pet per night.  I would also say that guests must pickup and dispose of all pet waste properly. Decide if you want to allow guests to leave pets inside the listing. Many pets will cause damage when left alone or bark disturbing neighbors.


Update Your Guest Messages

I would add something to your guest messages after booking confirming the number of guests and that any pets must be disclosed on the reservation and that undisclosed guests or pets are not permitted.


Quick Reply

If you see that a guest has added a pet to their reservation, I would create a Quick Reply to say you welcome their pet and mention all you offer for pets. I would also say that your small outdoor space is not fenced and you require guests to pick up and dispose of all pet waste properly. I would also say whether you allow pets to be left alone inside the listing. Many Hosts do not allow guests to leave their pets alone inside, as they will cause damage or bark when their owners aren't there. This is especially true if your listing is an apartment or condo. I would also state you don't have AC, but have fans. This guest said she couldn't open windows and doors securely (ground floor unit)? This would make it very hot inside; which may not be a suitable environment for pets.

Thank you Joan for being incredibly helpful and providing practical advice. It's a real change after speaking to an Airbnb support team who go round in circles saying the only reason they would remove a review is is profanity. 


I will go in and make those changes to the pet booking to make it much tighter and more expensive. I think I was being too accommodating. 


I have an instant book for 5 star reviews and everyone else has to message me. In this case someone who had a long booking had to pull out and this was a guest that contacted me to fill the booking. They had no reviews. So my big learning is, if no reviews don't accept. 





Top Contributor
Buckeye, AZ


A review to be removed has to me a lie.

Do you have a fenced yard and she is lying?

Do you have air conditioning and she is lying?

The other statements are a personal perspective 

She perceived many cars in her opinion. 

She perceived her dog hot in her opinion.

She perceived dirty floors in her opinion.

A review is an opinion by someone basically and her opinion and yours don't match.

Her opinion and 290 other guests don't match either.

Thanks for getting back to me. Unfortunately anything that was communicated about the place up front to the guest and actual screenshots and photos to the Airbnb team were completely dismissed. I actually have lots of before and after photos as my cleaners always take pictures. 


They just kept saying 2 things 1) "sorry, our only reason to remove is profanity and she didn't swear." 


2) when I said the Airbnb team had sided with me on the  damages they kept saying she put the review in as soon as she left the place and I put the claim in the next day as I was waiting for my neighbour (who confronted the guest during the visit) to send me more evidence.