Airbnb havent been able to varify my bank accounts now for 5 weeks, TERRIBLE SERVICE

Level 2
Sydney, Australia

Airbnb havent been able to varify my bank accounts now for 5 weeks, TERRIBLE SERVICE

Im disgusted in Airbnb!


All the do is 'esculate' 


I havent recived money now for 5 weeks, set up nerw bank accounts over 10 times and they dont get varified. 



4 Replies 4
Level 10
Seattle, WA

I’m sure taking them to small claims court would get their attention ? 

Level 2
Sydney, Australia

I’ve set up different accounts with Commonwealth Bank Australia and even use a different bank and each time they try to do a payout it said not able to do payout.


Every time I call Support, they say they will escalated and an engineer will look at it to be honest. The service is absolutely terrible.


Airbnb going downhill that’s for sure, I’m owed at least 12 payouts amount to $20,000 and I get absolutely no service. 


Airbnb is a disgrace. 

no one can give me a straight answer. Just try and reset your bank account. There is nothing wrong with my bank account.


Has anyone else had trouble verifying their bank account?

Community Manager
Community Manager
Port Moody, Canada

Hello @Dean1030, I am so sorry about this situation.


I just wanted to share that we have reached out to the relevant team to review your case. Since we are not part of the support team, they should contact you directly with further advice.


I also noticed you have another post about this situation, so I have merged both posts here to keep everything in one place.


I hope this gets resolved very soon.



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hi Paula,


Thank you, but I still have no confidence in Airbnb. It’s always just escalated to another team as you say.


I have tried three different banks and different bank accounts. I’ve checked my account details and still for some reason it’s not getting verified.


My bank there is no stop on any accounts and I have money going in and out of those accounts every day. 


This has to be Airbnb. 


I’m so disappointed in Airbnb. I’m out over AU$20,000 and it takes forever to get answers. This has been going on for five weeks. It’s an absolute disgrace.