
Winter Release Q&A with Airbnb’s Christy Schrader

Winter Release Q&A session

Avoid this guest **

Avoid this guest **

I had the mis-pleasure of hosting this person. 


Never happy. Constant demands.  Tried to extort a two week refund via a "gesture of goodwill" then left the bathroom filthy and a nasty review. 


A highly entitled and demanding guest who would leave a bad review from the Ritz after trying to extort free services from them!! 

*Title edited*

36 Replies 36
Level 10
СПБ, Russia



Looking at your review below, why didn't you raise these points then?  


Mererid and Tom are a lovely couple and we really enjoyed hosting them as they relocated to Australia from the UK. Communication was prompt and always polite. Mererid also gave some well heeded advice taken from her landlord experience in the UK. We wish them all the best in Australia.

Because I tend to leave positive comments for all guests .. on the basis that they do the same


Guest reviews are unseen.

I received an “outlier” review and a very picky and pedantic private message which was obviously driven by malice


I had bent over backwards to accommodate her and her husband during their stay and her constant demands and complaints.

I was expecting a good review ... but no


The worst guests I’ve had are two childless millennial new arrivals to Australia who have no clue about what you get for your money etc .. and through an entitled attitude and putting on a friendly and pleasant mask whilst being hosted only leave a review driven by malice


She also tried extort a “gesture of goodwill” through passive aggressive bullying



@Ian-And-Liz0   What do you mean, "Guest reviews are unseen?". Of course they are seen- other hosts read them to determine whether or not to accept a guest.


Writing a positive review for a bad guest is called lying and is quite bizarre, especially when you then come on the forum to call the guest out.


And this is an international English speaking forum- the odds of anyone here ever getting a booking request from the guest are just about nil. The place to be honest about the guest is in the review.


Leaving positive reviews "on the basis the guest will do the same", is missing the entire point of reviews- it isn't some mutual admiration society-  and as you now found out, is misguided. 


Bending over backwards to accommodate an entitled, demanding, complainer won't earn you a good review, because that type of person is never satisfied, enjoys finding fault, and doesn't appreciate anything you do for them.

Level 10
Charleston, SC



You can't post someone's name on a public forum with derogatory comments. Both your response and review of them were very positive, so it demonstrably false by your own admission. Consider yourself lucky that it will be removed before the guest finds it and files a defamation lawsuit.


You have very good recent reviews but with overall low reviews its usually the cleanliness that's the lowest score from guest, which is also the case here. One guest didn't tank your cleanliness ratings.  


While host are sometimes subjected to scammer guest, that is very worrisome, more often host seem to be not keeping their place clean and maintained, and blame guest for everything. These strangers are paying you, so keep the place clean and well maintained.  


Posting derogatory comments about a single guest will accomplish nothing. 

Truth is a full defence so get off your high horse please 

Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Ian-And-Liz0 This situation is pathetic. You say truth is a full defence but which truth? Your review or the comment on this community centre?

If you are not capable of leaving an honest review then you have no right to complain about the guest on a forum they may not access.

when someone raises defamation, to that assertion, yes, truth is a complete defence.

Do hosts want to know about guests to avoid?

Yes or no?

I’d have thought yes 

@Ian-And-Liz0 “Do hosts want to know about guests to avoid?”


Yes, we do want to know about guests to avoid. The place to tell us the truth about them is in the REVIEW. Doing it here is wrong, and ineffective. The mods will shortly be removing the guest identifying details, as you’ve violated the terms of the forum by revealing them. Future hosts of these guests would never have seen this post anyway, even if the personal details stayed up.

Oh, so we’re encouraged to be blunt and frank.  I’ll try that. 

Won’t airbnb then reprimand the Host for doing this?


They are terrible at supporting hosts as it is  

@Ian-And-Liz0 “Oh, so we’re encouraged to be blunt and frank”. Did I say that? No. 

We are required to be HONEST. No need to be blunt. The next time you have a difficult guest and want to write an honest review, I suggest you come here for help first. A review can be removed by Airbnb if it violates review policy 


I’m Australian. We are blunt in how we speak. 

There is no point mincing words. 

Guests from elsewhere need to get used to being in Rome. 

Yes. I’ve asked airbnb about their review policy. 

They did raise 18 months ago an outlier review amendment policy. That doesn’t seem to have been implemented. 

At that time I spoke to them about their policy.  I was told they only change or remove a review if it’s racist.


That is a direct quote.


On this occasion they even refused to change the review after I shared the guests text message trying to extort a refund as a gesture of goodwill. 

I refused that behaviour and explained the cancellation policy. 

The review was then written from spite. 

That does not violate the airbnb review policy 

Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Ian-And-Liz0 You don't need to blunt or rude just honest with your review. Airbnb will not reprimand you for this. 

I’m Australian


We are blunt

Which is how I shall be