@Billy110 Well, talk to Airbnb about that. They block calendars for a pending request. Even if the host accepts the request, if the guest doesn't have their credit card info or verification info uploaded yet, the host then sits there for up to 24 hours with a blocked calendar that no one else can book, and sometimes the guest's payment falls through. So then the host has missed potential bookings.
What you have to understand is that Airbnb's main interest is to drive bookings, the faster and more furiously possible.
So I might get an Inquiry message, where the guest is quite serious about booking, and they sound like a guest I'd like to have, they just have some questions and we might need time to message back and forth about something. But if a request comes in during that time, I am now pressured to either accept that request, shafting my Inquirer, or declining the request (which will lower my Airbnb Acceptance stats, not to mention Airbnb threatens hosts with suspension if they decline too much).
Instant Book (which I have never used) enters the picture when talking about inquiries and requests because the first-come first-served thing and Airbnb's focus on bookings rather than good "fits" is at play. If an Instant Book comes in when a host is negotiating things with a guest who has sent an inquiry or request, the instant book is confirmed and the inquirer or requester is out of luck. Those dates are now booked.
Airbnb would work a lot better, with more understanding between hosts and guests, if we were all more aware of how things work on the other person's end.
For instance, Airbnb tells guests that a 4* rating means "Good". Okay, nothing wrong with good, right? But Airbnb then turns around and warns hosts to pull up their socks if their rating falls below 4.7. Few guests are aware of this.
If Airbnb acknowleged that a good fit between host, guest, and accommodation is key to a good experience for all, and changed their policies to account for that, instead of just giving lip service to it being some kind of loving, trusting platform, while actually only being concerned about collecting their service fees, we'd all be a lot happier, both hosts and guests.