Cancel bookings within 50 days of arrival..need repair on property

Cancel bookings within 50 days of arrival..need repair on property

I have properties that need to repair in the month of April but I have bookings in June July August

4 Replies 4

Need to cancel bookings for 3 months May, June, July

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

If you have emergency unforeseen repairs that are going to take four months you can get evidence of this from your builders and claim on the host extenuating circumstances policy to cancel @Antonio4803 


What happened to your property by the way that requires such extensive unexpected repairs ? 


I'm assuming you have unlisted your property as your profile says "Guest". Probably best to contact Airbnb and provide proof of the emergency repairs that are required to the property making it impossible for guests to stay. They can then cancel the bookings for you so you don't get penalized for the cancellations.

Community Manager
Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hi @Antonio4803


I'm sorry to hear you need to do some repairs on your property, I hope it all goes well and swiftly!


Have you had a chance to contact customer support, as Helen and Joan suggested? If not, you can reach out to them via this page:


Let us know how you're getting on please 🙂








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