
Winter Release Q&A with Airbnb’s Christy Schrader

Winter Release Q&A session

Cancellation due to Extenuating policy- RIOT happened infront of the listing


Cancellation due to Extenuating policy- RIOT happened infront of the listing

After our stay at Airbnb listing in Rome we  have another reservation in Saint Denis, Paris suburbs area which is 20mins walk from Paris Olympics Coliseum from June 29-July 3 and I'm with 4 adults 2 infants and 73yrs old senior citizen (my mom)


June 29 we checked in around 6PM, past 11PM we heard explosion's saw smokes fireworks and people shouting. Few minutes after we saw mobs of youngster throwing bottles with gasoline shooting fireworks setting fire the parked vehicles ATM Machine, pavements Garbage bin all this happened in front (few meters away from) our Listing Location you can smell the burning car/tires at the balcony of the Airbnb Unit. Immediately called Airbnb Support, and asking for assistance for the right course of action and to find new accommodation within inner district of Paris where it is safe (we are not aware that there is on going Riots in Suburbs of Paris we only learned this the same time we experienced the RIOT in front of us). We also message my host and tried to call his number but it is out of reached . The RIOT lasted until 2AM (police firemen is all over the place Paris Olympics Coliseum- State de France was set on fire by rioters). Not captured by the video but my mom is starting to have panic attack/nervous breakdown. Been calling Airbnb support til 230AM- we were advised to keep safe as they still investigating our case (send them all the necessary documentation like video and pictures)


June 30 7AM start to call Airbnb Support and my host. Airbnb Support is still investigating the issue whether we are covered by Aircover or by extenuating policy still asked us to be safe (which we did we stayed in the listing til 7PM). tried to called our host still not able to reached his number, message his staff and informed what happened asked us to wait for the host til 11AM as he usually get online by 11AM. 11AM receives reply from our host saying that he is sorry for our experience and asked to contact Airbnb Support as he has no other available listing that can accommodate us exact word from my host : I understand the situation is not ideal.. and the suburbs around Paris are getting a little bit crazy these days (here you can say that our host is aware of the on going safety concerns within suburbs of Paris)


Called Airbnb and replied to support ticket saying that we are not covered by Aircover tried to challenge them and provide links regarding extenuating policy. At 12PM I called again their hotline this time new support ambassador tells us that they will help us to find new listing, that they will offer 20% travel voucher, refund and possible reimbursement of the transport cost we will incur to going to the new accommodation. After calling them again at 2PM they provided list of new listing location that we can reserved. We tried to reserve all those listings within inner district of Paris but we encountered error, we informed them and they said they will try to check/fix the issue been calling them multiple times as it is already 5PM and we learned that Saint Denis the suburbs of our listing is under curfew starting 9PM. Informed us that they understand our situation and Airbnb's priority is our safety. 6.19PM we we're informed by the last support ambassador that he is still working to fix the issue but not able to call me back as he is in another call/case. at 7PM we decided to vacate the listing location and along the way to inner district of Paris we tried to book/find for a new accommodation-informed Airbnb Support team and our host (didn't hear anything from our host since 11AM). we spend 2100 EUR for 3nights of stay for 5 adults 1 senior citizen 2infants. Called Airbnb at 10pm still no resolution nor update on our case almost called them every 1hr until 2AM asking what will be next action how we can recover our cost should we cancel our reservation


July 1 7AM Airbnb Support team provides us new list of Listing but those listings when trying to reserved have the same error as yesterday worst case is all 5 listings are in Saint Denis same location from our previous listing where RIOTS has been reported (RIOTS were reported in Saint Denis until July 3 a firemen also reported died last July 2 will responding to blaze caused by the riot last July 2). Been calling Airbnb Support and been talking to more than 10-15 different support ambassadors no one can give us the right guidance and keep on telling us that they need to contact our host for the refund- 4PM they informed us that our host that will not give us a refund that the RIOT is out of their control (which the main purpose of the extenuating policy) they also informed us that -exact message from Airbnb Support- since the collision happened outside the Airbnb listing we cannot cancel the reservation with a full refund. I know that this is not the answer that you ant to hear but refunds outside the Airbnb Policy is going to be Hosts discretion.


Since then Airbnb is keep telling me the same update that they will now close the incident as the RIOT happened OUTSIDE the Listing Location (should the riot happened inside the apartment for them to consider it as part of extenuating policy???) and our host don't want to give us the refund (even it is clearly stated in the extenuating policy that it  controls and takes precedence over the reservation’s cancellation policy) . We tried our best to rebut their answer and been calling Airbnb Support until today July 7 funny thing is every time we talked to a new ambassador each has different interpretation of the Extenuating policy and can't give a single explanation why the RIOT we experienced in front of the listing is not qualified to the definition mentioned on the extenuating policy and to put into record that the RIOT is still on going on brood daylight and every night until July 3). They also closed the incident with out giving us a notification nor clear answer why the previous offers were reversed, worst one of the support ambassador says "I understand your concern and this is not you wanted to hear from us. As our policy are not been updated but as informed earlier we can mediate with Host and request for the refund".


Now I'm left out with unnecessary expenses of 2100 EUR plus extreme stress (not to mentioned the panic attack/nervous breakdown experienced my 73yrs old mom). For the last 7 days I'm under impression that Airbnb is trying to avoid their responsibility and doesn't care for the safety of their guest (though this the normal message you will received from their support team member). I don't understand why the RIOT we experienced doesn't qualify under their Extenuating policy and why they keep on existing the it is my host discretion to refund me even it is clear stated on their policy that: 


*This Extenuating Circumstances Policy explains how cancellations are handled when unforeseen events beyond your control arise after booking and make it impracticable or illegal to complete your reservation. This Policy applies to reservations for both accommodations and Experiences. When this Policy allows for cancellation, it controls and takes precedence over the reservation’s cancellation policy. Guests that are impacted by an event covered by this Policy can cancel their reservation and receive, depending on the circumstances, a cash refund, travel credit, and/or other consideration. Hosts that are impacted by an event covered by this Policy can cancel without adverse consequences, but, depending on the circumstances, their calendars may be blocked for the dates of the cancelled reservation*


And riot is mentioned as  * This Policy uses the term “Event” to refer to the following situations that occur after booking, are unforeseen at the time of booking, and prevent or legally prohibit completion of the reservation Military actions and other hostilities. Acts of war, hostilities, invasions, civil war, terrorism, explosions, bombings, rebellions, riots, insurrection, civil disorder, and civil unrest.*



This is my first time to use Airbnb and I get this WORST experience ever!!!!!

Top Answer

After 2 weeks of almost calling evrry hr daily Airbnb support team finally gave me a full refund. 


View Top Answer in original post

10 Replies 10
Level 10
Greenville, SC

@Ramil19  Yeah, this is probably not covered as an extenuating circumstance. I don’t think even hotels refund its customers for disturbances out on the street.


Once at a hotel I had a large group of enraged protesters screaming angrily for hours right outside my window. The compensation or mitigation by the hotel for this? Zero.


People are rioting all over France at the moment. I don’t think anyone is getting refunded.

Hi @Pat271  thanks for sharing your opinion, YES that is true but Airbnb has extenuating policy where it is clearly stated that *This Policy uses the term “Event” to refer to the following situations that occur after booking, are unforeseen at the time of booking, and prevent or legally prohibit completion of the reservation.* where RIOT is mentioned as one of those unforeseen event *Military actions and other hostilities. Acts of war, hostilities, invasions, civil war, terrorism, explosions, bombings, rebellions, riots, insurrection, civil disorder, and civil unrest.*


I'm just referring to their own published policy and we cannot compare the possible experience when such RIOT happens when we are in a hotel and when we are in private apartment (airbnb listing), in a hotel you are well informed on what's happening outside and you will get all necessary assistance if you need food water etc,  you cannot do that if your are staying for a temporary accomodation and your are not a local/aware of what's happening within the area. and there is a big difference between angry protesters and mob of youngsters who would like to start a riot/civil unrest (exact description by news agency). Angry protester's can start a violent protest but its totally different from rioters whose whole intention is to disturb peace and create havocs within the area what we have experienced is a full riot that happened in the middle of the night not even a single soul is shouting for what they are protesting they just started to throw bottles with gasoline firing fireworks setting fire the park vehicles and ATM machines garbage bins and  pavements all covered by the video submitted to Airbnb Support team.


As mentioned our host fails to inform us with the situation specifically when we arrive the RIOT is just happening within the Suburbs of Paris  and Saint Denis is one of those redzone mentioned in the local news , no RIOT has been accounted within city center by that time. Also there is big difference between loud protesters and riots-what we experienced is mob of youngsters throwing bottles with gasoline burning parked vehicles ATM Machines firing/using fireworks as a weapon against police and firemen.


Our host have ample time to inform us he given the riot in Sain denis which started June 28 and he is fully aware that I have 2 infant and 1 senior citizen staying with me and he knows that we are in vacation tour in Rome before coming to Paris, if he really cares for our safety as a good host he should informed us. Extenuating Policy specifically mentioned that it covers unforeseen events and RIOTS is one of them yet they cannot uphold their own policy. I have read multiple post with the same situation as me from the previous years both related to RIOTS in PARIS and they able to refund those guests at the same time we received initial offer from Airbnb Support Ambassador when they are trying to find a new listing that is for 20% voucher, refund and possible reimbursement of expenses incurred to transfer to new listing yet all of a sudden they reversed this after we have transferred to a new accommodation.


Below post from reddit is related to Paris Riot lucky for this quest she read the news before their flight going to Paris. RIOT is an unforeseen event even it is a common nors for Parisian to start a riot every time they feel no one can predicts when will it happened and Airbnb Extenuating Policy clearly state that RIOT is an unforeseen event. No one in a right mind will risk his/her family safety if he/she is aware of the possible danger/safety issue and for me that is the exact purpose of extenuating policy of Airbnb for them to take care the safety of their guests yet they can't even uphold their own policy!


@Ramil19  Unfortunately, all of these semantics are open to interpretation.


All I’m saying is that I have not seen hotels nor Airbnb materially compensate customers for this type of disturbance, regardless of how the terms of the policy are interpreted.


Good luck with your quest. Perhaps if you keep on it, you will find someone at Airbnb with influence that will see your logical and perfectly sane interpretation as you do.

Top Contributor
Cannes, France

Hello @Pat271 


Living in France, I can assure you that people are definitely NOT "rioting all over in France"!!  It was very much localised to a very few towns, but Saint Denis was the hardest hit.  Just like in the US, when the police shoot someone at point blank range, people quite rightly get upset.


The way the international media have covered this event is shocking and it is affecting a lot of hosts in France as guests wrongly believe that these riots are widespread and still ongoing and are cancelling their bookings.


Just wanted to set the record straight.


All the best




@Joelle43  It was irresponsible of me to assign a condition to an entire country based on my limited knowledge through the press and discussion groups I’m on.


One of the discussion groups I’m in said that there has been extreme unrest throughout the country over wages, unions, pensions, etc. for the last 15 years. That does not mean that there are riots everywhere, and I apologize.

@Joelle43 totally agree with you as we went to inner district of Paris after waiting whole day for Airbnb support team to assist us which wasted our entire day. The place of our new accommodation has no trace of Riots nor protests. We are still able to enjoy our stay in Paris even though we had a very bad experience in Saint Denis, our host fails to inform us that his area is a redzone and there was already a Riot happened the night before we arrived just less than 30mins away from his place since we arrived 6pm of June 29 we are not able to walk around his area we just eat in the nearby restaurant (10mins walk from the unit) and went back immediately.


It is just frustrating that Airbnb published Extenuating policy which should help the guests and the host to avoid negative experience during unforeseen event like Riots and civil unrest yet they don't want to uphold it and each support team team has different interpretation. =(

Read the news before you travel and stop using Air Bnb. It’s a sham

After 2 weeks of almost calling evrry hr daily Airbnb support team finally gave me a full refund. 


Level 2
Vallejo, CA

Why should you expect a refund? It’s not the host’s fault. I’m so tired of entitled guests. Would a hotel give you a refund? What did you do? Bully Air Bnb like most guests do. It’s not the host’s fault your 73 year old mother is having a panic attack. Maybe you should find out about where you’re traveling to and stop blaming the host because she knew things were getting kind of crazy. You’re exactly the reason I will no longer share my beautiful home with anyone. And I had the lowest price in the area.

Level 10
California, United States

did Airbnb reimburse you under extenuating circumstances? or noise issue? 


just curious. 


I wasn’t able to get any coverage for a down electrical wire OUTSIDE of the airbnb. Very similar to what you have experienced. Mine was as scary as yours. Active wire isn’t fun. Airbnb cancelled on me and with a penalty. i’m canceling for guest’s safety .