Collecting appropriate information

Level 1
New York, NY

Collecting appropriate information

Hi, I’m new to hosting and have a listing in a gated community that requires registration for everyone, including pets and vehicles. I currently only have the information of the person who made the booking and can’t see details for the other guests. How can I obtain the necessary information for all guests and their pets to meet the community's requirements?

1 Reply 1

Hi Diana,


Welcome to hosting! Since you're in a gated community with specific registration requirements, it’s essential to gather information for all guests, pets, and vehicles. Here’s how you can do that:


Message the Guest Directly: Once a booking is confirmed, send a message to the guest requesting the names, vehicle details, and any pet information for all members of their party. You can explain that it’s a requirement for entry into the gated community. Many hosts use a template to ensure they don’t miss any details.


Use the Airbnb Pre-Check-In Form: You can include these requirements in your pre-arrival message or as part of your house rules. Let guests know they need to provide these details by a certain deadline. If they don’t, you might have to cancel the reservation (as this would affect entry into the community).


House Rules: Update your house rules to reflect that all guests, pets, and vehicles must be registered with the community. It’s also good to inform them that failure to provide the necessary information could impact their ability to check in smoothly.


Automate the Process: You can use third-party tools like Hostfully, Smartbnb, or your property management software (PMS) to automate guest communication and ask for this information as part of the check-in process.


By clearly communicating these requirements upfront, most guests will provide the information promptly. It's always a good idea to remind them that these are community rules, not your personal preference, so they understand the importance.


Best of luck with your hosting journey!


All the best,

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