Jenny2143 Level 2 Bacolod, Philippines Power outage on guest's first night, they went to a hotel an... Hi there, just wanted to ask for some insights or maybe some... Latest reply Hi there, just wanted to ask for some insights or maybe some of you had the same experience. Guest informed us there's no pow... Latest reply
Archer6 Level 1 Colombo, Sri Lanka Chelsea, as a senior case manager, is destroying Airbnb’s re... Chelsea, as a senior case manager, is destroying Airbnb’s re... Chelsea, as a senior case manager, is destroying Airbnb’s reputation as a company that cares for its loyal customers and abid...
Alexandra85 Level 3 Portland, OR Guest of Guest insured by Airbnb? I have a difficult Student long term guest who has violated ... Latest reply I have a difficult Student long term guest who has violated every rule - my guest house is single occupancy only. Has removed... Latest reply
Despina52 Level 1 Santa Barbara, CA Synchronizing calendars I have a problem synchronizing the calendars with VRBO. I ha... Latest reply I have a problem synchronizing the calendars with VRBO. I have set it up right so when I have a reservation from RB&B it show... Latest reply
Tim3904 Level 4 Portsmouth, United Kingdom Messages no longer compiling into one thread Until Last week, every new booking from a previous guest jus... Latest reply Until Last week, every new booking from a previous guest just added a new line into a single chat thread. Now I get a new cha... Latest reply